The tyranny of the minority


Well-Known Member
An atheist has sued a restaurant for discrimination, all the while claiming "It's not a big deal", because the restaurant gives a 10% discount to anyone who brings in a church program. The programs are free at every church to anyone who stops by and asks for one; but this guy likely fears he will burst into flames if he enters a church to ask for one.


Atheist Sues Restaurant over Church-Going Discount

By Bobby Eberle July 6, 2012 1:21 pm
A restaurant owner should be able to set his or her own promotions, ads, discounts, or incentives... right? Not according to one atheist who has filed a complaint against a family-owned restaurant because of the restaurant's Sunday promotion. What is the terrible offense? The restaurant offers a 10 percent discount on Sunday's to diners who bring in a church bulletin. Yes! This is for real!
As reported in the York Daily Record, "John Wolff, who is an atheist, filed the complaint with the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission against Prudhomme's Lost Cajun Kitchen in Columbia."
Wolff said the practice discriminates against him because he does not attend church.
"I did this not out of spite, but out of a feeling against the prevailing self-righteousness that stems from religion, particularly in Lancaster County," said Wolff, a retired electrical engineer.
Sharon Prudhomme, one of the co-owners of the restaurant, said she is not discriminating because diners don't have to actually attend a church or synagogue service to get a bulletin. She said area religious leaders told her that anyone can walk in a religious building and obtain a bulletin, without attending services.
Prudhomme added that she has no intention of changing the discount program, which she created to bring more traffic into her restaurant on a traditionally slow day.​
Prudhomme blasted the complaint, calling it "a waste." Good for her!
Todd Starnes notes in his post on Fox News, that according to Pennsylvania law, "a restaurant [is] classified as a public accomodation. As such, restaurants are not allowed to discriminate based on religion -- among other things."
This seems to imply that the law is on Wolff's side. But how can a "discount" be discrimination?
"What freaks me out is the state of Pennsylvania is basically agreeing with this guy," Prudhomme told Fox News Radio. "We're just a mom and pop. We're not some big chain like the Olive Garden."
Prudhomme said the trouble started in April of 2011 when she received the first of several letters from the Freedom From Religion Foundation. The FFRF is a Wisconsin-based organization of "more than 17,000 freethinkers, atheists, agnostics and skeptics," according to its website.
The FFRF demanded that she stop giving discounts to patrons who brought in a Sunday church bulletin.​
So what's the solution? According to Starnes, "a representative from the state suggested that Prudhomme should compromise and sign an agreement that she would offer discounts to any civic organization in the town." This, of course, did not sit well with Prudhomme.
She wondered if their other discounts might be considered discriminatory -- like the one on Tuesday night - where kids under 12 get to eat free. Or what about the senior discount?
"Could someone under 65 complain?" she asked.​
What really gets me is that according to Wolff, he discovered the discount on the restaurant's web site and stated, "It's not a big deal in itself and I have no animosity towards Prudhomme's, but I do bear a grudge against a religious right that seems to intrude on our civil rights."
So... it's "not a big deal" to Wolff, yet he's making it a very big deal, and there are organizations ready to step in and help him. Who is on the restaurant's side? The craziness has got to stop!
well considering that you want the rest of us to "tolerate" the "lifestyle" of your FDLS buddies that rape 14 year-olds, i don't see you having much of a leg to stand on here.

right, it's the government to protect individual liberties, just not the ones you find disagreeable.
if there is grass on the field
right, it's the government to protect individual liberties

Would that be the liberties of the guy who doesn't have to eat there or the liberties of the owner to
run his business as he see's fit?
Would that be the liberties of the guy who doesn't have to eat there or the liberties of the owner to
run his business as he see's fit?

both so long as they don't infringe on others' rights.

what if the restaurant guy posted a sign that said "no kikes" (stop laughing winky) in the front window, 'cause that's just his idea of running things the way he likes?
I think he has the right to post such a sign. I have no problem with him posting such a sign. It is his business
to do as he wishes. Similarly, we are all free to enter, or avoid, his business, based upon these signs, or any other
reason which strikes our fancy (until Congress taxes us for not engaging in proper commerce)
so he could refuse service to jews i.e. the sign actually mirrors policy as opposed to just being a prop?
Yes, is that a problem? Jews, blacks, redheads, men, crippled Italians, old guys with long hair. Whoever he choses to not do business with
is entirely up to the owner. Private Property trumps the right to enter said establishment.

Similarly, why would you chose to do business with someone who held these moronic views? Even if forced by law
to entertain those he despises, once that view is known, would you continue to frequent such a place? "Yea, I know
niggers are all trouble, but I have to serve them" would have me never returnign to such a place again. It works both ways.
yeah trust me i can imagine "both ways" and in some sense it would be massively entertaining to see what would happen if local lunkheads ran rampant.

what happens when an entire county decides they don't like blacks? can the whole place refuse any kind of basic human service to the black fellow who is passing through on his way to somewhere else? what if he has a heart attack? what if a plane needs to make an emergency landing in retrograde whiteyville... or shabazz-town? what happens when all the miniscule variations in local law make it really hard to do business in there, and to attract investment?

oops, i think that last one is why it will never happen. the interests of capital kinda tend to have a lot of power in this society. ;)
yeah if the non-whites decided they don't like us it would be ok
cuz we are a buncha pussys and would feel guilty about it
right minx?
yeeah yeeah...
La Raza = OK
All whites Men club = Racest


over in shabazz-town it's easy though, they get handouts left and right.

well cato i think you just proved winky's assertion that you're a bunch of pussies. i would add marginally literate, as well.
yeah only yer whine-a-thon far predates obummercare. christ you prolly spent half your life bitching about the threat of domestic communism when reagan was in office.
nar my mommie warned me about the 5th column long before that
sadly all of it's come to pass since then
now we are reduced to arguing over whether it's a
penalty or a tax?
now we are reduced to arguing over whether it's a
penalty or a tax?

yeah both of those words are much prettier that what it really is. i suppose i'd rather be taxed or penalized than suffocate in a giant swirling cloud of rodent diarrhea.
yes you just keep on believing communism is our only hope obi-wan kenobi
when in fact it is the exact opposite

communism it werks everytime its tried
"swirling cloud of rodent diarrhea"

just get rid of the rats a simple solution indeed