this thread doesn't love tommy

The thread wouldn't object to having pictures posted in it once the using and abusing has taken place will it?
BTW - I need to whore my karma around a bit, cos I really want to give someone some, but I can't because I need to spread it.

Seen some impressive posts lately, deserving of some green beans?
pictures are swell......go ive kuu karma for her adorable baby...i want to but i had just given her some for i don't remember why.....
I've given her some for something else - need to whore a bit first before I can do that again too.

Darn, I need to learn to save my karma for the really good ones :D
see, what happens is you give karma because you are trying to whore it around so you can give it too someone else that said something really cool and then the next thing you of the people that you gave karma to just to whore it around says something brilliant and you want to give them karma but guess what? you can''s a vicious cycle.
Yeah, but I've sorted it out by giving other people who really deserve it some karma too so I could go back to the post I wanted to give it to and just do it.

I never just whore my karma - it's too precious....well OK, maybe a little, but I don't mean to - it's an addiction of some sorts I think.
wow, i totally missed this one. if it makes any difference to the thread, i could have died happily having never seen it. ;)