Tigers WIN!


molṑn labé
Staff member
and does anyone give a shit? 1-11, who do they think they are-the Lions???


Staff member
ah. :) I don't watch either much. Hockey I watch occasionally. I'll watch bball or fball if we're ahead (let's go Argos! Ok Blue Jays!) or if I get the chance to actually go to a game, but that's about it. I took a wild guess - lions and tigers sound like football names, like the Bears.


molṑn labé
Staff member
lions & tigers & bears...how lame :D

I thought you were kidding about asking about football/baseball:shrug:


Staff member
Nope, not kidding, I am totally ignorant about all of the teams and where they're from. I know the Bears only because of SNL - the BEARS funny funny skit. lol I understand the sports, just don't know all the team stuff.

Yes lions and tigers and bears is lame but haha made you grin! :D