toilet problem! please help!


New Member
i can't seem to plunger-ize my toilet properly.

when i try to flush it, the bowl fills with... stuff.thankfully it doesnt overflow... that would really suck.


i can plunge it to death, and it still fills with stuff, no matter how hard i try.

so i wonder if i'm even doing it properly.

please tell me how to use a toilet plunger.
Put the plunger on the hole in the bottom of the bowl, push down just hard enough to seal it against the bowl, then push down HARD like WHOOMP in one swift forceful push.

Then flush and see if it worked. Repeat as necessary.
If the plunger doesn't work, you might need some Drano or Liquid Plumr, or if that doesn't work, an auger (aka a "snake"). Do any other toilets or sinks in the house drain slowly?
(Am i really about to respond to this thread) :D

Hold the plunger high above your head and begin furiously beating the water. After about twenty good swings the bowl should be empty although you'll probably have to clean the rest of the bathroom.


Push the plunger down putting much weight on it but slowly. Once the rubber part has turned inside out(or is as far down as possible) start thrusting it downword repeatedly with your palm against the top of the plunger. After about five or six times release it and the water should withdrawl.

If you'll excuse me now...i need to go wipe the tears from my eyes.

What you need to do is get a bucket.
Set it next to the toilet.
Get yourself a bendy straw.
Suck some water out of the bowl.
Spit it in the bucket until toilet is empty.
Reach your hand down into the hole.
Remove the Gremlin.
Take your straw.
Suck some water out of the bucket.
Spit it back in the toilet.
Take the Gremlin outside.
If you made it this far into my post you are a lunatic.
Hoon said:

What you need to do is get a bucket.
Set it next to the toilet.
Get yourself a bendy straw.
Suck some water out of the bowl.
Spit it in the bucket until toilet is empty.
Reach your hand down into the hole.
Remove the Gremlin.
Take your straw.
Suck some water out of the bucket.
Spit it back in the toilet.
Take the Gremlin outside.
If you made it this far into my post you are a lunatic.
I read the whole thing. Does it help that I wouldn't have done it? :retard:

PS. Ash, if plunging doesn't work, Leslie's right, rent a snake.
Good Lord. You're all insane.

Ash, let's start with your plunger. For a toilet, it needs to have a external lip, and not just a suction cup bottom.


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Drain cleaners will not work Don't even try them. All you'll wind up with is a pool of acid to clean up.

If that type of plumger doesn't work, you've really only two options, and that depends on your level of courage. Try renting a snake to try and clear it (really disgusting, and not as easy as it might look) or call a pro. I'm guessing you don't have a handyman neighbour you can call on.
Gato_Solo said:
Since AMC went out of business, I thought all the Gremlins died out...

I actually know a guy who takes one to classic car shows (don't think he ever won anything, it is a Gremlin after all). If you'll stand there and listen, he'll spend longer than I have patience for explaining how correct it is and the restoring process. :lol:
For goodness sake!! What's all the fuss about? Just go and take a dump in the bush. Leaves and grass are free. :brush:
If it is TP kind of stuff, I will boil a huge pot of water and dump it in there - and let it sit. Then I try to flush and see if it works. That usually takes care of it - if not, I occasionally have to involve the plunger right after the first flush attempt.

(God that explanation sounded stupid) :retard: