trivia night 1/28/04

AlphaTroll, do new cars still come with carburetors down there? They're all fuel-injected up here.
No, most of them are fuel injected I reckon. But I think construction vehicles have them still......all I know is I had no clue what he was on about..... all I know is how to change tyres and check oil & water :shrug:
1. What does CDROM stand for? Compact Disc Read-Only Memory
2. What does pizza mean in italian? Pie.
3. Name the coffee bar in Friends. Central Perk.
4. What novella was the Stephen King movie Stand By Me based upon? The Body.
5. What was the whales name in Pinochio? Monstro.
6. What was Ted Williams baseball nickname? The Splendid Splinter, Teddy Ballgame and a couple other nicks.
7. Name the 4 original members of the WHO. Snap, Crackle, Pop and Billy-bob? :retard:
8. Name the first female to command a NASA flight.Eileen Collins
9. What do the Initials STP stand for in the famous fuel additive?Scientifically Treated Petroleum.
10. What is the NBA limit for the circumference of a basketball in inches? 29,5-30 inches.
11. What book was the movie Field of Dreams based upon? Shoeless Joe.
12. Supserstition: What is a woman supposed to dream about if she places a slice of wedding cake under her bed? Her future husband.
13. Name the 4 US states that are commonwealths. Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Kentucky and Virginia.
AT, you know more about cars than probably 75 percent of all women. At least you know the oil and water has to be checked from time to time. all I have to do is grow a penis & develop a liking for scratching my privates in public...then I can be one of the boys...... (but i'm keeping me boobies) ;)