Turd studies

Sleeping Giant

New Member
For absolutely no reason whatsoever, I have decided to undertake a study of turds. Please answer the following questions to help me complete my study.

1. What is the average amount of time it takes you to feel that you are finished unloading your turds?

2. What is the average number of turds you unload per toilet session?

3. What is the average length of your turds?

4. What is the average weight of your turds?

5. Do you have any other information concerning your turds you feel may be relevent?

Thanks for your cooperation! As soon as I have gotten enough information to compile some preliminary results, I will of course print them here.
The real question is what purpose does this study serve?

Do we care about the results?

What benefits can turd figures possibly have on society?

Why would anyone even care to know of this data unless one was seriously concerned about employment of Fiber in one's diet?.....are you seriously concerned about inclusion of fiber in one's diet?

Do you lack any other topics to research? any at all?

Weird fetish of yours?

I refuse to believe you decided to conduct this research for no reason what so ever.

I need clarity on this matter post haste.
i am going to talk about my "turds". i am bored.

1. i've never timed it.

2. i'd have to say 2-point-5.

3. they're usually somewhat long.

4. i can't honestly say i've ever weighed mine XD.

5. when i am really stressed out, i get diarrhea a lot.

What about the intangibles like acoustic splash levels or describing the mosaic of indigestible 'things' studded all throughout the work of art in question?