U.S. eyes Iraq invasion in 2003


New Member
The Bush administration is plotting a potential major air campaign and ground invasion early next year to topple the Iraqi government of President Saddam Hussein, the New York Times reported in Sunday editions.

The use of 70,000 to 250,000 troops is being considered, the Times said.


the story misses the entire point. there will be no invasion/Hussein ass-kicking until after the mid-term elections.
Who says Hussein is the one who is going to get his ass kicked if it happens? The word Vietnam suddenly comes to mind. I don't believe the US populace is willing to support a war with Iraq if it means sending a large number of soldiers home in bodybags.
The Police Action in Vietnam was a political hot potato. Nobody supported it because there was no threat to America. Iraq, however, is a threat to us & our immediate interests. MOst people wondered why we didn't take care of business during the reign of King George the first. There will be support. We didn't lose Vietnam, we quit.
The US QUIT Vietnam? Hahahaha!

OMFG! I can't believe someone like you Gonz would make such a short-sighted comment! The US lost bigtime in Vietnam, and it admitted that it did.

No way the US just simply "quit" in Vietnam.
The support by the people to win was not there. I am not sure it is there against Iraq either.
A war against Iraq would be the biggest debacle since the russians tried to take Afganistan. Hussien might be a dictator. He might be a madman. But he has public support. The taliban never did. Any invading force would be under constant guerrila assault.
If the U.S. does go in with troops, they're gonna need to bomb all the Iraqi military capabilities with cruise missiles first, and when they go in, they're gonna need those 250,000 troops, tanks, bombers, and of course, their Canadian and British allies. :D

Otherwise, it could be another Vietnam. Desert Storm 2 anyone? ;)
If the US goes against Hussein in the way they went after N Vietnam, I agree with Prof. If they go after Hussein to win, then win we shall do. The public disagreed with the war because of politics followed by images in their living room. There was no reason to fight except paranoia about communism. In Iraq, there is reason. There is also reason to go into Iran. Personally, I think Saudi should be on that list.

Yes Shadowfax, we quit. Look through it's history, we won the battles & lost the war. Here's an interesting, brief & concise timeline- http://www.historyplace.com/unitedstates/vietnam/ - that puts much of it in perspective.
I wonder... if I start military training now, if I'd be sent to Iraq next year... I'd love to be the one to have the honor of snipering Hussein's fat head. :D

That assumes that Canada sends ground troops...
Originally posted by professur
A war against Iraq would be the biggest debacle since the russians tried to take Afganistan. Hussien might be a dictator. He might be a madman. But he has public support. The taliban never did. Any invading force would be under constant guerrila assault.

A guerilla attack from what; sand dunes? The best guerilla war is in the mountains. In the desert they are turned to ashes with the BLU bombs. What dipshits.
Originally posted by sbcanada
I wonder... if I start military training now, if I'd be sent to Iraq next year... I'd love to be the one to have the honor of snipering Hussein's fat head. :D

That assumes that Canada sends ground troops...

you'd pee your pants at the first sight of a real war :)
I wonder if it would be the right thing to do when invading Iraq.
Allright, Hussein is a dictator, and he has done and is doing things he shouldn't. But he is quite predictable. He wouldn't attack the US, because he knows that is a war he just cannot win.
When the US invades Iraq, and kicks Husseins butt, they'd better make sure to get rid of all the extreme Hussein supporters. Those people are a genuine thread to the US, because we don't know what they would do if they have control over Iraq.
We have had the capability to level cities from the air for approximately 60 years. Fortunately, we've become much wiser since Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Most people who want to go to war have never been. The ones who are most brave before the first shot is fired are the ones who get killed. trust me on this...military folks do not like war. It's not because we're lazy, and it's not because we're afraid. It's because we know who's first in harms way.