uh oh, spaghettio...


rick santorum is apparently a little bit confused. but, they're all the same right?

where is the flaw here?

kinda seems like he wants to tell hillbilly muslims how to live.

HEWITT: Now in terms of the, of course they are Shia and not Sunni, and the Sunni Islamists are triumphing in Egypt.


HEWITT: How does that situation get turned around?

SANTORUM: Well, Shia not Sunni, that's correct. But as you know, I mean, the Iranians are supporting Hamas.


SANTORUM: And with other Sunni organizations, not just Hezbollah. And they are the, if you will, the template that is being used in Egypt is the template that was used in Iran. And so taking our aim at Iran is an important thing to show that we are not going to allow radicals to gain power and to use that power for purposes of spreading their radical jihadist ideology. And I think that's right now, Egypt is in the position to do so. But we need to send a message to the Islamists of all stripes that this is an unacceptable, will not be accepted as a governmental course for any country.