upc codes and walmart


New Member
Wasnt there a web site that just got shut down by walmart lawyers, because the site had a database of all the stores upc codes, and showed you how to print cheaper priced items onto sticky paper, then apply to the product? Seems like I remember reading about it, does anyone remember the site?
cubcake1 said:
Wasnt there a web site that just got shut down by walmart lawyers, because the site had a database of all the stores upc codes, and showed you how to print cheaper priced items onto sticky paper, then apply to the product? Seems like I remember reading about it, does anyone remember the site?

Yeah, damned if I remember where I read about it though. When I looked, the site was gone. Completely.
it was me. fucking up your minds, in my efforts to take over the world!

muahahahaha! :blank:

or something like that.
Even if someone were to find the site, it won't be found thru OTC :)
Do you mean that it wont be found thru OTC because nobody would know or because such a website is unseemly? I may need to review the rules of OTC. If First Amendment does not apply here, then I suppose I need to shut the door quitely on my way out.
cubcake1 said:
Do you mean that it wont be found thru OTC because nobody would know or because such a website is unseemly? I may need to review the rules of OTC. If First Amendment does not apply here, then I suppose I need to shut the door quitely on my way out.

Unfortunately, if such material were to be freely given out, names would be taken and asses would be fined. Hence the reason for any kind of AUP in the first place. :)

Besides, I hadnt heard a case when the 1st Amendment was upheld for the internet. Last I checked it does not. :shrug: There's a difference between freedom of speech and discussion of illegal activities.

I, personally, do not like censorship (including such stipulations in the AUP). But I realize we live in a world where such things are required. SO, if I don't like it, I'll start my own board and accept the possible consequences myself. But I'm too lazy, so I'll just follow everyone elses rules. :p
I just thought it was interesting. I personally have no interest in going to jail in order to save 75 cents on Apple Jacks, and if I did want to, I wouldnt have resorted to asking how on the net. Anyway right on, I get it. :)

And im from Wichita too :) Class of 87, Southeast High. Almost Riverfest time huh?
I'm VERY anti-censor. However, a site like that has a great potential for legal action. We don't need that.
cubcake1 said:
And im from Wichita too :) Class of 87, Southeast High. Almost Riverfest time huh?

Woah, I'll be damned. And I thought I was the only one on the internet in this state! :p

Class-O-2000, Goddard. I'm a youngin', I guess. ;)

Yeah it is....haven't bought my button or anything yet....anything big planned for it, do you know? I hear they dropped the Block Party, didn't go over well with some people who are more into it than I by the sounds of it. I'll be glad when finals are over; Now that I've got a camera, I'd like to spend more time doing whatever's scheduled.
Well, I was born and raised there, but I left young to join the Navy, came back for a short time then decided I liked the ocean.

Wichita is a nice place to live, but you wouldnt wanna visit :)
Actually, you'd be surprised how much money you can make with UPC scams. I had a friend who did quite nicely with it. Not this particular one, but it was similar. He was making several hundred $ per transaction. Who knows, maybe he's even still doing it. He never got caught either to my knowledge. I was surprised when he told me how it worked. For a guy who got a 12 on his ACT he was pretty 'smart.' This website kind of reminded me of that. Man, I can't imagine what stores would do if everyone figured out his little system, especially if UPCs could simply be printed from the web. It sucks to be a retailer in the modern era. I bet they take a pretty big hit from people running these scams too when you consider such activities nation wide.
cubcake1 said:
If First Amendment does not apply here, then I suppose I need to shut the door quitely on my way out.
The first amendment can only go so far especially in situations where it is easy and convenient to take the illegal routes for many things. We try to uphold it as much as we possibly can, but there are rules outside of our own that if broken, we get deleted on the spot, with no hope of getting our files or our money back.