Urgent tech help needed


New Member

I'm in the process of recycling an older PC to introduce an elderly gentleman to the internet. The PC has 512meg of ram, and a celeron running at 800mhz. It was running XP pro when I got it. I've formatted it at the previous owner's request, and I'm using a disk I burned with XP Pro including service pack 3. I know the XP disk works, as I used it to install XP on my own PC.

At present, I can format the HDD, copy over the setup files, and then when it starts to install, I get the following error message:


Installation Failed: D:\I386\asms

Error Message: The parameter is incorrect


Fatal Error:

One of the components that Windows needs to continue setup could not be installed.

The parameter is incorrect.
Typically, when I get error meessages like that, it's a disc (CD) failure.
XP SP3 being relatively new, I'd dare to say that the install CD was made by you. Perhaps some component is missing and/or old instructions for making such CDs are not updated.
XP SP3 being relatively new, I'd dare to say that the install CD was made by you. Perhaps some component is missing and/or old instructions for making such CDs are not updated.
Actually, I downloaded the iso via uTorrent. It worked just fine to intall xp in my own machine, but didn't work after I wrote the serial number on the disc. And the other two I burned also didn't work.
like was said somewhat...
some cd/dvd roms/burners, don't like stuff burned from some other drives.
(media brand differs also)
Actually, I downloaded the iso via uTorrent. It worked just fine to intall xp in my own machine, but didn't work after I wrote the serial number on the disc. And the other two I burned also didn't work.

SP3 still has some issues, I suggest that you keep working with SP2 until it is fixed.