US economy returns to growth - nice job, barack!!!

So, if I fill out one of them checks that Discover sends me, did I get a raise?

Cash for clunkers, baby!!! Free money and GDP goes up!! WOOT!!
We are already bankrupt, they are
charging up the credit cards before going to court.
Stealing everything that isn’t nailed down.
WASHINGTON (AP) - What is $1.42 trillion? It's more than the total national debt for the first 200 years of the Republic, more than the entire economy of India, almost as much as Canada's, and more than $4,700 for every man, woman and child in the United States.

It's the federal budget deficit for 2009, more than three times the most red ink ever amassed in a single year.

The previous year's deficit was $459 billion

What is that GDP again?


If you're $1,420,000,000,000. in debt, how can you afford to give eight thousand dollar incentives to buy houses or $24,000/per extra vehicle on new cars programs? story
So we can agree that Obama now owns the economy?
If you truly believe what you posted then you must also believe that Bush owned the recession before Obama and that this economic disaster is second-hand.

Careful with that loaded gun. What is shot straight up into the air will return back to you at (nearly) the same rate of speed and force. ;)
Well look, more underming of this savior....

Posting its results late this afternoon at, the White House claimed 640,329 jobs have been created or saved because of the $159 billion in stimulus funds allocated as of Sept. 30.

Officials acknowledged the numbers were not exact, saying that states and localities that reported the numbers have made mistakes.

In recent days, the Recovery Act board has been reviewing all the numbers, with many inaccurate ones having been posted. California's San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission received $5 million in stimulus funds to hire workers to build addition train track for the Union Pacific Railroad in an economically tarnished spot of the Golden State.

Brian Schmidt, director of planning and programming for the commission said that his staff originally reported to the Obama administration that the stimulus money saved 250 jobs. Then, realizing they had mistakenly double credited, they later changed that to 125 jobs. Tuesday, they updated it again to 74 jobs.

So, the numbers are skewed (surprising? hardly)

but now for the truly fun part

The White House argues that the actual job number is actually larger than 640,000 -- closer to 1 million jobs when one factors in stimulus jobs added in October and, more importantly, jobs created indirectly, such as "the waitress who's still on the job," Vice President Biden said today.

So let's see. Assuming their number is right -- 160 billion divided by 1 million. Does that mean the stimulus costs taxpayers $160,000 per job?

Jared Bernstein, chief economist and senior economic advisor to the vice president, called that "calculator abuse."

He said the cost per job was actually $92,000 -- but acknowledged that estimate is for the whole stimulus package as of the end of 2010.

$92,000 or $160,000 PER JOB....fucking A Obama, you are the best.

Right wing nutjob source
If the sheeple knew the truth
they'd not wait for the elections
but demand and get the proper action
to correct these problems

But that ain't what sheeple do.

By 2013 the take over will be complete
the depression won’t end till 2023
If you truly believe what you posted then you must also believe that Bush owned the recession before Obama and that this economic disaster is second-hand.

Careful with that loaded gun. What is shot straight up into the air will return back to you at (nearly) the same rate of speed and force. ;)

the truth shall set us free.
By 2013 the take over will be complete
the depression won’t end till 2023

Winky and his crystal ball arguments.

The economy is on a huge upswing and will shoot throught the roof until the aliens land in 2023.
Blog. Opinion piece.

It even says "share this blog" at the top. Not sure how you missed that.
This has nothing to do with this thread but ... I haven't heard the word "ass-clown" in a long time and then 2 days ago someone mentioned to me at work that a coworker uses it all the time when referring to the people who do the actual work that needs to get done. I don't think I like that coworker much.

OK... thanks for your time. And now... back on topic.
Death is just a heartbeat away

There'll be no prisoners taken
When the day is done
No flag, no uniform
Ever stopped the bullet from a gun
A blog from someone who works as the ABC news correspondent, at the White House. Unreliable source. Check your calculator, I bet he's wrong.
The idea is that it's clearly his personal opinion. You can see the flaw in his reasoning when he tries to divide the number of jobs by the money spent.

Jobs are one factor in stimulating the economy. Not the only factor. He's being dishonest with that reasoning.