'Vaseline Man' tries to slip away


New Member

AN AMERICAN man tried to give police the slip by switching motels – but left a gooey clue that led to his capture.

Authorities said a motel cleaning crew discovered a mess of Vaseline on mattresses, bedding, a TV set, furniture, carpeting and towels in Roger Chamberlain's room after he checked out last week.

The damage was put at more than $US1000 ($1449).

Fourteen empty petroleum jelly jars and numerous pornographic magazines were also fished out of the rubbish bin, according to WNBF radio in Binghamton.

Shortly afterward, a sheriff's deputy tracked Chamberlain down to a nearby motel, finding the 44-year-old Virginia man entirely covered in the greasy ointment.

He was charged with criminal mischief.

I think it's funny when someone gets charged with criminal mischief, because it's usuall something like that ^
What I want to know is why he needed all that vaseline. :hmm: Second thoughts, maybe I don't want to think about that.....
14 tubs?? The mind boggles....

I can understand a pair of folks sharing that much......but playing solo? WTF was he trying to insert? The telly??
pc_builder said:
I think it's funny when someone gets charged with criminal mischief, because it's usuall something like that ^

Criminal Mischief is teh legal way of saying moronic activities
They were talking about this on The Bob & Tom Radio Show this morning.

Apparently, the guy coated every square inch of every surface in the motel room with Vaseline. Everything. The television set, the bed, the walls, floor, ceiling, etc. etc.

There are some bizarre people out there . . . :retard: