Vehicular Crittercide


molṑn labé
Staff member
SouthernN'Proud said:
Common field rodent referred to in other, lesser areas as a ground hog.


My dog has found the neighboring one. She wants to eat it.


Staff member
Gonz said:
All this talk about deer. bah, when you get to this sign, you know you're in trouble

Nah, that moose just wants to walk across the road. THIS moose however...he wants to detroy your car :D This is from where I'm from in NFLD (Gros Morne Nat'l Park)


Staff member
Professur said:
Hey, Nixy ... something to look forward to.

I was pretty damned sure I hit a seagull in my mom's van in NFLD one time. I was driving from Stephenville to Port Aux Basques to get the ferry back to Nova Scotia and I saw a seagull then heard a clunk. When we got to the boat I made my mom get out first and see if it was stuck to the van. It wasn't and there was no blood so I dunno if I actually hit it or not.


New Member
Yesterday morning on the way home from work, I was motoring along at 65 mph looking down at the odometer (thinking it was almost time for an oil change) and looked up just in time to see an armadillo the size of a watermelon disappear under the front of my car. WHOMP!! :eek5:

Mercury Grand Marquis: 4

Critters: 0


Staff member
I told a guy at work today that I have no issues with knocking off 130km/hr when there's no traffic on the highway and another guy told me he was never ever getting in a car that I was driving...sheesh! wimp!


New Member
I told a guy at work today that I have no issues with knocking off 130km/hr when there's no traffic on the highway and another guy told me he was never ever getting in a car that I was driving...sheesh! wimp!

He's probably one of those people who ride in the left lane at 10 below the speed limit and won't move over to let you by. :disgust2:

I was going the speed limit. We have a brand-new 4-lane road (SR 77) that runs from Southport to SR 20 at the county line - nice and smooth, and the speed limit on most of it is 65 mph. That's about a third of my trip to Vernon from Panama City. :cool:


Well-Known Member
Once out in the complete and total desert @ night
I narrowly missed a coyote, no biggy 'cept I was goin' 130

I was playing Formula One with a rental car up in the
mountains one night @ 85+ rounded this uphill right-hander
and a moose that musta weighed a ton was standing right in my lane,
just swished over into the oncoming lane…

In both cases the remainder of the trip was completed at or below the legally posted limit :dizzy: