visible g-strings


New Member
i hate them, i want to see your flesh not your underwear, you should be wearing nothing under your clothes at all..........naughty girl
Sometimes wearing undies just isn't allowed by the clothes we wear. I have a dress that has a very low back - well, actually it has no back at all, wearing undies with that is just not possible (besides, it feels better to go without).

But with low cut pants, sometimes I want my g-string to show - just because they're so cute (especially the one with the gold chain or the one with the rhinestone heart).

Visible pantylines are just wrong (referring to people who wear full panties under tight pants etc)
AlphaTroll said:
Sometimes wearing undies just isn't allowed by the clothes we wear. I have a dress that has a very low back - well, actually it has no back at all, wearing undies with that is just not possible (besides, it feels better to go without).

But with low cut pants, sometimes I want my g-string to show - just because they're so cute (especially the one with the gold chain or the one with the rhinestone heart).

Visible pantylines are just wrong (referring to people who wear full panties under tight pants etc)

i'll agree with this, but why wear anything at all? i'd find that much more of a turn on
besides it always reminds me of a wedgy i once received :mope:
something as thin as a piece of string attempting to offer protection? but protection from what? the thought police, i don't think so
Why wear anything at all? Sheesh hun - 'cos when the lady takes her clothes off for you it is so much better when the show takes a bit longer........ besides you get to play a bit & take the g-string off with yer teeth ;)
and also a thong really accentuates the shape of a nicely rounded yet pert arse. Should be compulsory if you ask me!
You know, there isn't much I'd rather watch than an attractive woman removing her lingerie, But in public I see women (mostly younger) showing their underwear and think to myself, "Oh, how ladylike." :shrug:
Just gives me the impression that the woman isn't paying attention to how she dresses...kinda like plumbers' crack... the clothes aren't fitting well if the thong shows.

A thong would be hidden BY DESIGN.

Except for the very top area which you might be able to see if the pants were very thin and a very light color.

If thats what your going to wear then Id say it should be nothing at all, but thats a rather rare combination anyway.
Actually, nowadays they design the g-strings to be shown. I'm not talking about having yer whole crack in the air for all to see. It's more like just a quick peak when you sit (wearing hipsters)....
I don't like the whole meaning to show your underwear thing...but sometimes it's just a bad day and things aren't working together like they should and when ya sit or first stand you can see the top of the thong. People are to's the same thing when people sit down and you can see their socks cause their pants are just not being long enough. It's just a bad day for co-operating clothes when it happens to me and I think many people...I like underwear, I like fun underwear. I wear it from ME though, cause it's fun to put it on in the morning. I don't wear stuff just for guys. Jeez, I am sex obsessed but I see I am by far nowhere near the worst.
AlphaTroll said:
Actually, nowadays they design the g-strings to be shown. I'm not talking about having yer whole crack in the air for all to see. It's more like just a quick peak when you sit (wearing hipsters)....

The problem is that there's "a quick peek" and "viseable from 100feet away, on a dark night with sunglasses on".

If it's meant to be a thriller to catch the eye, then it should be visible occasionally, and not always. Always loses it's luster somethow.
i don't do thongs, i tried but they are too uncomfy. most of the time i go without. although...there is a new style of underwear out that i simply must own 1000 pair of. it's called the samba pant. any one heard of it? gimme 5 minutes and i'll post a, not of me...i don't own any yet...
I spend a pretty penny on those ultra-low rise thongs and boy-cut panties. I can sit or even squat down all the want without exposing them in my low rise jeans