Voters should have to declare an issue that matter before voting


New Member
What do you all think about this for an idea? I think this would be a good idea. A voter should have to declare at least one issue that matters to him/her. He/she would not have to declare where he/she stands on the issue, but rather just the issue. For example, when the voter enters the voting building he/she could just say "taxes" instead of having to say "I am voting for a candidate that has promised low taxes. This would help to prevent some voters from voting such as voters who only vote based on a candidate's physical features and/or how many times the voters have seen signs that say "Vote for (name of candidate)". By declaring issues that matter, voters would actually think about why they're voting.
I prefer the Australian method. 10)% turnout. It's manditory to vote there...guarantees Democratic choices.
PowerballWinner said:
This would help to prevent some voters from voting such as voters who only vote based on a candidate's physical features and/or how many times the voters have seen signs that say "Vote for (name of candidate)". By declaring issues that matter, voters would actually think about why they're voting.
