Warning levels


Staff member
We have implemented a new feature that we feel will be helpful.

Warning levels indicate the type of content in a thread. Each warning level is listed under the "!" in the thread list (you can mouse over the ! and see a short description of the levels), as well as on thread pages, on the green bar just before the posts are listed.

Currently, only moderators and administrators can edit a thread to include a warning after the thread has already been started, but if you are starting a thread and you start it with some questionable content, or think that it may end up that way, you can set the warning level there.

If a warning explanation has been included by the thread starter or by the moderator, it will be listed as a mouseover on the "Current warning level: #" text in the green bar just above the first post in that thread.

Here is a list detailing the warning levels and the type of thread that each warning level is intended for.

Warning level 0: This thread contains content that is safe to view in all environments
Warning level 1: Some content in this thread may not be suitable for viewing by young children or in strictly monitored business environments.
Warning level 2: This thread contains strongly offensive or inappropriate content and it is strongly recommended not to view it in the presence of your family or in any work environment.

You can change your warning level threshold by <a href="profile.php?mode=editoptions">editing your options</a> and setting the level to the number that you feel should be the maximum warning level you want to view. If you set it to level 0, you will only be able to view threads which are safe for work and family viewing. Threads marked as level 1 or 2 will not even be listed, and if you happen to refresh a thread which has just been marked up a level or have bookmarked a thread and click on it while its warning level is above your threshold, you will be turned away by an error page, with the reason of the warning level included on the error page.

If you set the threshold to level 1, you will be able to see all threads marked as warning level 0 or 1, but level 2 will still be invisible from the thread list and inaccessible even via the direct link.

If you set the threshold to level 2, you will be able to see any thread.

Hopefully, this warning system should reduce the risk of your spouse or kids, or your boss or a sensitive coworker from getting you in trouble over a thread you didn't know would contain the content that it did.


New Member
Nice one, fury. I just did a totally pointless post in Lunatic Lounge to test it out. You can delete it if you want.

Any chance of getting a warning system to rank particularly offensive members? ;)


P.S. I know my member is pretty offensive. :D


New Member
When you click on the 'New posts within the last 24 hours' link, the warning column doesn't show up. Just thought I'd let you know. :)

Good idea, btw. :cool:


New Member
That's a very good feature.

I wouldn't support having a feature where you can rate members, because some people would be offended by that and they would probably not visit here anymore.


New Member
Originally posted by sbcanada
I wouldn't support having a feature where you can rate members, because some people would be offended by that and they would probably not visit here anymore.

I hope you know I was joking! Besides... I doubt any offensiveness scale could do Gilbert justice. :D



Staff member
You guys/gals think I should probably find a way to put this back?

I noticed very few threads were getting any warning levels, wasn't sure if that was just because of lack of interest (which is bad) or because there just weren't any naughty threads (which is bad too... shame on you! :headbang: )


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
I don't really think it's lack of interest, it's just that everyone by this point realizes that they should expect just about anything when going anywhere, and if you warn them in advance, well, that just ruins the shock value.


Screwing with the code...
Staff member
nope, that is something fury wrote special for us. He would have to do it again if we wanted it.


Well-Known Member
When I saw the thread title, I thought it was about the little "department of OTC security" PayPal link at the top of every page... which has been perpetually red. Any updates on that?


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
Just a little reminder of what life could be like...

And yeah, I know I haven't given anything in a while. I will.


Screwing with the code...
Staff member
As always any amount is appreciated. We have about 21-23 dollars as it stands right now.