Was reading some news, and found this...


Source: http://www.dawsonspeek.com/

"Once again, most of the initial reporting on the latest massacre in Israel -- and make no mistake about it, folks, that is exactly what it is -- was the sterile tripe about 'four settlers' being killed...."

Don't read further if you can't control your rage.

This town of multi-level stone homes in the hills near Nablus had not yet finished the shloshim, or, month of mourning, for the three teenaged rabbinical students who were murdered here while playing basketball, when last night, tragedy struck once again.

As mothers and daughters prepared for the nearing Sabbath, reenacting a weekly ritual of baking and bonding, outside, under a full-moon sky and with winds hiding the sound of his approach, a terrorist trained by The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine infiltrated this area of 500 families.

At about 9:00 pm, Boaz Shabo was en route from Jerusalem, when his cellphone rang. It was his thirteen year-old daughter, Aviya. She was frantic.

One by one, family members who were at home, were shot with an automatic weapon after the terrorist forced himself into their house.

She had witnessed it all.

"PLEASE, abba [daddy], come home quick!" she wailed into the receiver. "They are dying."

First hit, was her twelve year-old brother, Tzvika, who had been sitting, reviewing the Torah portion for his upcoming Bar Mitzvah. When the terrorist took aim at Aviya's mother, Rachel, another brother, Neria, 15, tried to act as a human shield to protect her.

It was futile.

Avishai, 5, the family's youngest, began shrieking, after he awoke from the commotion. The terrorist soon opened fire on his tiny body.

The crying stopped.

Aviya was shot in the chest and leg as she tried to escape the home that turned to Hell. David, who ran to guard his sister, was bombarded with bullets in his stomach.

As Rachel lay dying, she watched her would be protector, Neria, gasp his last breath. As his soul departed, she cried out the words of the martyrs, "Shema Yisrael!" When she peered down at her son's now limp body, she saw their blood beginning to merge.

Tzvika's last words were: "Shalom, [goodbye], Eema [momma]. I will see you in shamayim [Heaven]."

Before she expired, Rachel had witnessed the murder of three of her children.

As the village's chief of security, Yossi Tuito, engaged in a gun battle with the terrorist -- leaving both of them dead -- the Shabos' home was somehow set ablaze.

When Boaz Shabo finally arrived at the town's gate, he was met by the hamlet's rabbi. His worst nightmare was confirmed. Immediately, Boaz tore his jacket four times, as a mourning sign for each family member.

Instead of Sabbath candles being lit by his wife, this week before sundown Boaz Shabo will light four yahrtzeit (memorial) ones.

The dead will be burried a few hundred feet from Boaz's destroyed home, in which he will not even be able to observe the shiva mourning ritual.



Also dead in the attack, Yosef Twito, security guard and neighbor, who finally stopped the 'Palestian' animal's rampage.

:( I feel really sorry for those people.

Luis G

Staff member
Me too, i feel sorry for all innocent people dying in the planet, and you seem to have great interest in innocent people losing their lives too.

What do you have to say about the more than 15,000 innocent people, that died in Afganistan by the hands of your country? (i'm not talking about terrorists, just about innocent people)

Luis G

Staff member
LOL, i thought you live in the USA. My mistake :D

Anyway, what do you think about it?

Luis G

Staff member
You will not find any proof from the US or Canada, they hide that info from you.
Just as the combat-jet that was following the second plane that hit the WTC, apparently the jet was targeting the air plane, but he didn't come close enough to shoot it down.


New Member
it is very sad and a terrible thing that happened but an article like that is not objective journalism.
objectivity is difficult enough in reports and articles, and some bias is expected, but writing like that serves to inflate and incite by its language.


New Member
i was equally saddened when israli tanks mistakenly fired shells on a market place full of civillians. they admitted it was an error, but i can imagine similar reports written in palestinian press about it as cold-blooded murder, calculated by generals etc.

it stops being journalism at that point and becomes propoganda pure and simple, with the intention of raising tensions and prolonging the suffering of innocent poeple.
i did not intend that to be aimed at you ris ;) just a general comment about the general feelings or possible agenda that seem to be put foward by the starter of this thread :)


Originally posted by Justintime
Originally posted by ris
but writing like that serves to inflate and incite by its language.

i agree, what about palestinan innocents? they don't matter a fucksworth aye? ;)

what palestinan innocents? i didn't know there were any? ?(


all i see is Pallastinans killing with suicide attacks every time Isreal makes an attempt to talk peace.

Luis G

Staff member
you know?

If Afganistan people would be as close minded as you, they'd think that there's no single innocent US citizen.