we got rearended...


New Member
by some lady in a mini-van at speed while waiting to turn into the subdivision. blinker on. bid red truck. been stopped for 5 full seconds. never saw us.
we're okay. rob seems to have weathered it perfectly and i just have a headache and a nugget on the back of my head.
the truck...crunched back bumper, some side body damage, seats will not stay in the upright position, two broken bottles of beer (of course we were on our way home from the grocery...with milk...and beer).
his dad picked up the kids from daycare with me and now they are headed to the rental car place.
oh dear. He's gonna be pissed. :eh:

what did you bump the back of your head on? the headrest thing or the window?
Leslie said:
oh dear. He's gonna be pissed. :eh:

what did you bump the back of your head on? the headrest thing or the window?
he's not so pissed really.
i swear i only hit it on the seat but it was so fast. startled the shit out of me.
Oooh lordy.....well you guys are ok thats the main thing.

Was this woman on her cellphone or summat or otherwise distracted because that truck is damned hard to miss!
Raven said:
Oooh lordy.....well you guys are ok thats the main thing.

Was this woman on her cellphone or summat or otherwise distracted because that truck is damned hard to miss!
who the hell knows but she was taken away in an ambulance. her son (9 or 10) was unharmed.
I am glad that you both are okay even if the truck and the beer had to suffer. ;)

Some people really need to pay more attention when they drive.

Are you going to get the bump checked out at all? Just to be safe?
PrincessLissa said:
I am glad that you both are okay even if the truck and the beer had to suffer. ;)

Some people really need to pay more attention when they drive.

Are you going to get the bump checked out at all? Just to be safe?
naw...not unless i start to feel worse.
Glad you're both ok.

You should rest well for the rest of the day, the body follows a "whip" effect with that type of crashes, head, neck and back pain is common because of that.
Kruz said:
glad you guys are ok..
maybe Rob will retire the truck now.
he wants to keep it for truck purposes...hauling band supplies, trees etc.
he's been a little admirous of homeLAN'a magnum though...
luis? and rest i shall :)
I've been on the phone to family, adjusters, car renters, friends... its been scarfing up my time. I will post photos and my take in time. Right now I just need a beer and a meal and to chill.