Weapons of Mass Destruction

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100% Pure Canadian Beef
So, we all know that the US invaded Iraq on the theory that they did not comply with the UN weapons inspectors and they where holding on to huge stockpiles of weapons, poison gasses, etc.

Then they went, and have found hide nor hair of manufactoring plants, huge stockpiles, etc.

Recently some weapons have been used, but are they leftovers private people, and militia groups stocked away for there own private uses?

Some people think that the weapons have yet to be found, some people think that the WMD threat was a fallacy, and blatant lie so we could invade Iraq for gas.

I don't think it's a lie, I think that the US and Pres. Bush are to smart (yes smart) to do something like that, and if they did lie, then by god they would have planted WMDs and said "see, I told you so"

I truly beleive that they thought they were there. And maybe they are, but they are now stuck in a catch-22 situation, if they are never found, then they look like asses for claming so much about them, if they do find them, they look like asses for taking so damn long.

I think in the beginning they should have invaded Iraq on the grounds of Iraq was harbouring terrorists.

Do I think the WMDs exist, or existed. YES I think that if they dig up the desert just on the other side of the borders of Iraq they will find some interesting things. I think all the equipement was torn down, packed and moved out of Iraq, because they knew the US was coming. And I think it is waiting till they leave to be moved back in, and 6 months after the US and/or UN pulls out they will be back in business pumping out poison.
I think a shitload of this stuff went to Syria, and what was left got scattered and spread out. Now we're starting to see them emerge, onesy-twosy, in attacks on colaition troops. I'm looking for that to continue.

We had inklings of this kind of scattering before. Earlier in the war, we found some centrifuge parts, used in the enrichment process for uranium, buried in the garden of one of Saddam's scientists.

HomeLAN said:
I think a shitload of this stuff went to Syria, and what was left got scattered and spread out. Now we're starting to see them emerge, onesy-twosy, in attacks on colaition troops. I'm looking for that to continue.

We had inklings of this kind of scattering before. Earlier in the war, we found some centrifuge parts, used in the enrichment process for uranium, buried in the garden of one of Saddam's scientists.


Didn't some in the UN say that they know/knew, before the 'war'
that all kinds of stuff shippied to France, and Syria???
Funny thing about the media. When no weapons were found, they were screaming that the US citizens were duped into fighting an illegal war. Now that they (the WMD's) are showing up in onsey's and twosey's, we don't hear much at all. Perhaps their mouths are full, eating crow?
HomeLAN said:
I think a shitload of this stuff went to Syria, and what was left got scattered and spread out. Now we're starting to see them emerge, onesy-twosy, in attacks on colaition troops. I'm looking for that to continue.
Hey, you're the ones with spy satellites here. They moved whole chemical plants through a border and you don't have a single picture? C'mon...
We have satelite photographs of convoys moving into Syria. Does that do ya?
Squiggy said:

Show you guys some cleavage and you squirt all over yourselves...

I suppose you wanted them to find an entire bunker crammed with Chemical and biological rounds, eh Squiggy. Nice, small, compact area that could be taken out with one bomb? :grinyes: At least you could admit that cleavage can lead to bigger things...
I want to see what those 790 American soldiers died for. The stuff this administration swore he had...The stuff Powell had "indesputable" proof of. The stuff in the pictures he showed the UN and the world as incontrovertable "proof" of Sadam's WMDs. The stuff he hasn't been able to find. The same stuff I asked for before all of this death and destruction. Remember?
Squiggy said:
I want to see what those 790 American soldiers died for. The stuff this administration swore he had...The stuff Powell had "indesputable" proof of. The stuff in the pictures he showed the UN and the world as incontrovertable "proof" of Sadam's WMDs. The stuff he hasn't been able to find. The same stuff I asked for before all of this death and destruction. Remember?

Quite clearly. How long do you think it should take to sift through all the sand in Iraq? Perhaps a liberal president would do a better job of finding them? Onesey's and twosey's are all you're going to find, Squiggy. Get over it. There is no great big bunker filled with WMD's. There is no secret lab with 8 X 10 glossy photos with diagrams and arrows on the back showing Saddam Hussein drinking tea while reading the formulas and instructions for building a nuclear weapon. There is no perfect way of seeing targets at night, either. ;)
Then this administration clearly fronted a false cause for war. Thank you, Gato. You've confirmed my suspicions that Bush and his cronies are nothing more than murderous liars. no imminent threat = No reason to attack.
paul_valaru said:
So, we all know that the US invaded Iraq on the theory that they did not comply with the UN weapons inspectors and they where holding on to huge stockpiles of weapons, poison gasses, etc..

The truth is that is not the reason we went to war.
It might have been one of the official reasons.
The real reason, and one that has been stated by the President.

To attempt to civilize, to try to steer the nations of the Middle East towards modern forms of government.
The core aim of the so-called war on terror is to remove the conditions that allow state sponsored terrorism to flourish.
This will take decades.
If it ever happens...

Your Grandchildren will serve in the mid-east.

Better than getting nuked, ya think?
:eek6: So many directions to go with that..:rofl:

Nah...not gonna do it. Wouldn't be prudent at this juncture...
Don't hold back shoot yer wad
Squiggy said:
If you don't see the obvious faults in the statement you made, I'm not even gonna bother....


This dog don't hunt.

Making statement of ones talking points (no matter how outrageous and non-factual it is)

I'll give you the first shot (no pun intended)

Make my day.
That post that you quoted was intended for Winky. Considering that you are just an alt of a banned member, I think maybe I'll just laugh in your general direction...:rofl4:
Sorry there bub, your enlightenment has failed you again.

Gonz and a few other can vouche for me, never been banned.

So, again, translation:

This dog don't hunt.
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