Weight loss...need i say more.

I've never been able to lose weight.

Of course, I've never been able to gain it either. I can eat like a horse for a month and I might gain a kilo if I'm lucky.. it'll be gone after a day though.. I've been 178-182lbs for the last 6 years solid (at least)..

I know why though. Super-fast metabolism.
Aw, tell me about it... the biggest problem is finding time to excercise, but just lately people keep telling me I look thinner though I haven't actually been dieting as such... though I've been eating less between meals as I've been busy... and drinking more water... :shrug:

... guess I should weigh myself and see...
I started following the Weight Watchers program a while back, allowing myself only a certain number of 'points' per day by eating Lean Cuisines, drinking water instead of juice or iced tea, using Equal instead of sugar in my coffee... And at first, I dropped a hell of a lot of weight, about 30 pounds. But then I levelled out and even gained a little back because I've become lax.

Recently, I started walking. Every day that it's not raining, I take a 15 minute walk at lunch and when I get home, I'll take a half hour walk to the beach. Even if it's not all that much and all that strenuous, it's better than sitting on my ass eating. My doctor has always said just a little bit of exercise daily helps.

I guess I'm considered overweight but I pack it in well. I've always been 'big' as far as body type goes and I accept that I'll never be a skinny minnie but I think dropping about 20 would do me good. I'm not ready to take drastic steps to do that though, it's not healthy. And all these drugs to help you lose weight are just too scary for me. That can't be healthy for you and so many of them are so new, you don't know of any long term effects from them. I'm not going there.
It's all been pretty well said.

Big points are:

  • Don't "diet", change your life habits.
  • Get some exercise - any kind will do

I lost a fair amount of weight after having child #2, ~20 lbs. I'm down to my pre-pregnancy weight from the first pregnancy.

One thing I will say - exercise makes all the difference in how your body looks. I've lost about 5 lbs since this time last year, but I've noticed a big difference in how clothes fit - to the worse. I was exercising on a daily basis last year and had the muscles to show for it. Now I've just got cellulite were those lovely muscles used to be.
i spend winter and spring being careful to not bloat out for the summer, then as soon as the days get longer, i spend every night in the pub drinking and scrap the exercise! by the time summer ended i'm a fat bastard again!

time to get back on the mountain bike and knock a few pounds off

"When you're younger you can eat what you like, drink what you like and still climb into your 26" waist trousers and zip them closed. Then you reach that age, 24, 25, your muscles give up, they wave a little white flag and without any warning at all suddenly you're a fat bastard!"