Welcome Absinthe


Well-Known Member
Welcome to OTC...nice name!
So...do we take you in straight, or must you be poured over a sugar-cube before you will us with dreams and hallucinations?

don't mind me...I'm just odd. :p
Hey. Thanks :) That was quick, I'm impressed padwan. The green fairy will visit you yet. They blocked a bunch of other forums I post at, so now I'm trying to find new places to lurk around.
Blocked?? Damn.... what'cha do? Leap onto the ol' soapbox and spew forth racist slogans? Neo-Nazi propoganda?

We'll occasionally block people...but it takes a while.

So...do tell. What DID you do to deserve blocking there?
Noooo, I wasn't blocked. The site was restricted from school. Never been banned from a forum before, I'm usually pretty agreeable and go by the rules. I have moderating experience too.
Absinthe said:
Noooo, I wasn't blocked. The site was restricted from school. Never been banned from a forum before, I'm usually pretty agreeable and go by the rules. I have moderating experience too.

Awwww, man!!

and here I was, just ithing for some juicy story about posting porn or something like that.
Feh..playing by the rules? ... ah well...welcome to OTC anyways :p

Welcome, enjoy.

and the most important thing you could learn from this thread is deBish is odd.

now where is the beer?

Absinthe said:
You must not recognize it. :p Lucky. Does the word GOATSE not strike fear into your heart?

yes, yes goatse does bring back painful memories that took years of therapy to overcome

I just don't understand l33t 4axx0r talk
paul_valaru said:
ahh, got you.

now where is our beer

C'mon Paul...the best thing that she could learn here is that I'm odd? There are far more things that she could learn... we like beer, for one thing. that's important. umh... she could learn that...


no..that's about it. I'm odd and we like beer.

See...toldja that there was more to it than me being odd. :swing:
paul_valaru said:
yes, yes goatse does bring back painful memories that took years of therapy to overcome

It must have been an awful experience and to have your photo posted like that on the internet must have been horrible as well :D