Welcome Satans Puppet!

Ah, Missy Rose... the most faithful of the Puppets followers... Better still be sacrificing them frozen chickens for the masterful puppet person :p
Now what has the puppet missed? Hmmm Hmmm? Tell the puppet about it all, the ups and downs, the rounds and rounds, the ins and outs... Tell the puppet missy rose... tell the puppet :D
Gosh, Missy Rose has been around. Where's the puppet been hiding? Is that evil xbox keeping you all locked up? Or is your stitching failing again?
*hehe* I'm wondering how you got all those poor saps to rate you so highly. ;)


So, other than xbox, life treating you well?
Other than Xbox? :? *blinks and looks around* Other than Xbox? Oooo Ooo there's harry potter.. just read me first harry potter book I 'ave.... Order Of The Phoenix it is, wow what a book thing and not one pop up picture!!! :D
You don't have to speak italian for that ;)
Your fairly cool... well I don't think your hot but that could be down to us being the same gender :D
Satan's Puppet? How does if feel having Satan's hand up your ass all day? That's got to get annoying.
Rose said:
prolly why he's cranky most times. ;) :rolleyes:

Yeah, I'd be cranky too. Wonder if he at least gives him a reach around from time to time. Of course those hot, dry, scaly hands wouldn't be much comfort.