Welcome to me...


New Member
Hello.. I never experienced the wonder and joy of the off topic forum at HWC so I thought I would come and see what you lot post when its not about computers!
Scanty said:
Hi, Arris. Nice name :)

Be you homme or femme or snail?



Although sometimes I like to dress up in women's... I mean... Male.... definitely ;)
Aye, indeed I am. Just filled in ma profile now ;)
But my work means I spend a lot of the year in Milan (where I am at the moment)
Vortex said:

'Ola Arris!


If anyone gives you trouble, just tell me, I'll sort them out ;)

Going by some of the forum content that I've read so far I think there are a a fair few members that are well and truely broken and beyond any "sorting"

Thanks, I'm send any trouble I encounter your way :D
Jerrek said:

EDIT: Moderators, fix this.

say perlease.

say pretty perlease with a cherry on top.
:p :p :p

welcome arris :)
yes, and it's Moderator....only Nixy can edit that ;)

and why can you add an edit message and not edit the link? :confuse3: