Welcome to OTC, blackcowlips

Ooh, goody! If this person doesn't post for a while, I get to say, "WHERE'S THE BEEF!?!" :D
Inkara1 said:
Ooh, goody! If this person doesn't post for a while, I get to say, "WHERE'S THE BEEF!?!" :D
welcome and please try not to be cowed by our bovine references :wave:
You'll find that the posts here range from sophomoric to re-veal-ing and moo-ving. Be sure to air your beefs with the world in the RW forum. Whatever you do, don't just stand there chewing your cud. :D

OK, sorry, I'm done trying to milk all the humor out of that one.
*yanks Inky's pants up around his udders...er ears* :lloyd:

Hi! Post lots, put your pants in here: *holds up cardboard box* :)
Are a cow's lips black? I've never really looked that closely at em......

Welcome, post lots, drink more and be an ingredient of spam :lloyd:
It depends on which color of lipstick they are wearing. :lloyd:
