Well, I'm screwed.


New Member
I'd planned it all to finish the house rebuild and leave myself a fair sized cushion. Well, so much for a piece of the cushion.

My wife called this PM, stranded on the side of I-75. New transmission time. $2,500 out the fucking door. Never rains but it pours, I guess.

*pours a bourbon*
Yes, it does include labor, and this car has the bigger engine, making for some difficulties.
What kind of scary assed world would it be if things went as smoothly & well as we plannned? 42 years & still waiting.
If it's the wife, it's the '99 Taurus with the 3.0 DOHC engine most likely. How many miles? My parents' 99 Taurus sedan with the same engine and tranny has less than 40K on it I think.
Inkara1 said:
If it's the wife, it's the '99 Taurus with the 3.0 DOHC engine most likely. How many miles?

Kee-rect. If it was the new Dodge, I'd be kicking some dealer ass right now, instead of figuring out where to pull the cash from.

65k on the odometer. I did some reading last night, and it's apparently not unusual for 96-99 Taurus's to drop trannies at this stage. That's disappointing. Up to now, it's been a damn good car.
Oh, yeah, it could be worse. 2 hours on the side of the freeway, at least they weren't hosing us off of the concrete side barrier.

It's only money, right? :rolleyes:
good to hear it wasnt the new one, but it would have saved some cash if it had been.
I have a 2001 taurus, something to look forward to i guess.