Welp, guess who just got laid off?

I'll give you 3 guesses...


Nope, not him either.

What? No!

OK, I'll tell you.


Looks like I'm gonna have a lot more free time. :beerbang:
I wasn't marking down my paperwork correctly (I honestly didn't know I could only log hours 9 to 6, nor that a lunch break hour was required) and we didn't have enough business to afford me. :shrug:

The owner (not the manager) says the paperwork wasn't the reason and that nobody was upset with me, but I could see the fire in his eyes, the way he was telling me that I'm not supposed to log from more than 9am to 6pm, it was kind of obvious he was pissed at me. I dunno, he says i will get rehired when business starts picking up, but I'll believe that when I see it. I think the guy disliked me right from the start.
Here in MO you have to work for 90 days to get unemployment. Don't know what it is in Indiana. I really do doubt it was the paperwork thing too, unless the guy is just a major prick. That's something to tell you about, and give a chance to fix it, not fire you over.
Yeah, I just talked to the store manager, he says it was a lay-off not me getting fired... said he hates it and that it was by no means due to my work.
bugger, that blows phury. make sure he gonna give you a kickarse reference at the very least :hairbang:
Holy crap, I'm sorry man. You talk to people about timesheet errors, you don't fire them because of it. It just doesn't work that way. So if that really was his reasoning, he's an ass.

Look on the bright side, now you can list previous job experience on your resume. :D
The owner told me it wasn't because of my timesheet, he was just telling me for future reference... I guess that means he does plan on having me in the future. :beerbang:
i'd hate to see what reference my year-out boss would have given me [this is about 4 years ago now]. we had a major row about race at the christmas party, i think i may have called him a racist welsh pig.

to be honest i'm surprised i saw my contract out, i'm just glad i managed to get out of using him as a reference :D
Yeah, my chances of EVER getting a nursing reference from my old boss are about nil since I stormed into his office and told him exactly where to stuff his job when I left! :lol: