Wet Noodles


I've just been overtaken by an urge for pasta...:retard:...But I can't figure out which way to go with it. I have to admit to being a fool for a good lasagna..but I think that would be a bit too much work. So whats your favorite pasta dish? Anyone have an interesting variation worth trying? :licklips:
take some melted butter, some herbs, garlic, some parmesan perhaps...toss that with your pasta. i like alfredo sauce. or carbonara. arribaiata(sp?)....i love pasta....you've put me in the mood to make shrimp and catfish lasagne, squigs....
MMMM.....garlic and butter on a nice penne pasta with coarse salt, fresh cracked pepper, and LOTS of parmesan...

* Drooling.....
couldn't possibly choose a favorite pasta dish -- there are too many that I love....

but now that we're reaching the end of summer, this is what I've been enjoying the last few months; it's really simple and is about nothing more than celebrating top quality tomatoes:

peel and seed some Italian plum tomatoes -- I have San Marzanos growing in my garden and think they're the best
heat a skillet and melt some butter with some olive oil
when the butter is foaming, dump the chopped tomatos in and turn the heat to as low as your stove allows...
it could take up to half an hour for the tomatoes to 'melt,' so now's a good time to pour yourself a glass of wine...a young pinot noir, something light and fruity
while you're waiting for the tomatoes to break down, chop up some garlic, some basil, and grate some parmesan
get the water boiling for the pasta
once you see the tomatoes actually breaking down, you're about 15 minutes from done
put the pasta in the boiling water, the linguine I usually use takes about 10-12 minutes for al dente
stir the garlic and basil into the tomatoes
when the pasta's finished, drain it in a colander and then put it back in the empty saucepan it boiled in...turned the heat to high and shake it like crazy so all the water evaporates
now throw it in the skillet with the sauce, salt and pepper to taste, and give it a good stir so that the pasta is thoroughly coated; after 1 or 2 minutes it's ready to be plated
sprinkle the freshly grated parmesan on top and enjoy!
:licklips: I'd have to add chopped onion with the tomatoes...and, if you have it, some beef stock...It does magic things to a good tomato sauce...
yeah...that would work...but I like the purity of flavor in this sauce...the tomatoes really sing, and since the garlic goes in at the end, it gives a bit of a bite that counters the fragrance of the basil...mmmmmmmm
My latest pasta favorite is pretty easy to make:

Cook a half of a package of spinach, carrot, and egg spiral noodles.

Dip 2 boneless chicken breasts in flour then cook in a small amount of vegetable oil for about 4-5 minutes per side or until cooked through. Remove chicken from the pan. Pour 3/4 of a bottle of Traditional Prego, one 12oz. can of diced tomatoes, and a package of McCormick's spaghetti sauce mix into the pan and heat to bubbling for 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Turn the heat down to simmer and add the chicken. Cover and continue to simmer for at least 5 minutes.

Serve the chicken and sauce over the spiral noodles, sprinkled with parmesan cheese and basil.

It may sound a little strange but it tastes delicious! :)
re : wet noodles

i love pasta, i eat alot of linguini and fettucinni, so here's my three favourite very easy sauces:
#1 : saute onion, garlic and honey brown mushrooms then add white wine then thickened cream, and reduce until quite thick, season and toss through pasta
#2 : saute spanish onions add capers, then white wine, cream and reduce, and then add some smoked salmon, season and add to pasta, or gnocchi
#3 : reduce a combination of cream and blue cheese, season and add to pasta
all are simple and quick, but i warn you VERY FATTENNING :winkkiss:
Re: re : wet noodles

I crush the noodles into tiny bits before i cook them... Yummy. That's my favourite pasta dish.
voodoo pasta....take diced smoke sausage, diced onions, diced bell peppers, diced jalapenos, and chopped garlic and oregano, sautee until soft, and chicken broth, cover and simmer for a few. take alfredo sauce and load it down with blackening seasoning and add some milk. mix in the peppers mixture. toss in some pasta- i like penne, pour into a casserole dish. bake at 350 for 20 min, or you know, until it looks done. add some shredded parmesan and mozzerella on top and bake until melted etc. let cool a bit and there you go. :swing:
I like to cram a 10 meat, 10 cheese lasagna into the middle of a split garlic bread like the worlds greatest cardiac death sandwich.