We've Launched - Interested Parties, Please Check In™


Active Member
We're up and running doing our second version of beta-testing. Please go in, sign our guestbook, visit our boards and read our content.

Your comments and suggestions will be highly appreciated.

Also, please let me know if the servers are any good? Test the speed and stuff! Use your computer brains to hit me with what's bad about it so we can make improvements.

Thanks so much guys. :)

Cool site but the loading is not fast, the server must be very very far away.

Edit: hey, we are not on the links we recommend ;)
It was incredibly fast last night, seeing that it's half way around the world & this morning, it's too slow.
...got in fine just now. Load times are marginally slower but still quite good, even with my slow ass 56 K connection.

Violations Penalties Subject
39. Use of invalid/ delinquent/ suspended/ revoked/ fake license, identification card or permit. P 1000.00 to
P 3000.000
I never did figure out where on the Central Coast madrin lives. My area is called that... but people as far north as Monterey call their area that too.
I've lost contact with Madrin over the past couple of years but i remember at one point he was vice president at "IS"(don't remember what that stands for) and he was working as a tech for some place called Bayshops Inc. Not sure if either of those ring a bell. Kind of miss that guy. We shared some pretty emotional moments over on Ragingbull making money and discrediting bashers(to put it midly). We both held large portions of Dauphin Technology when its stock price tripled in one day.