What a weird day!


New Member
Walked into work this morning to find that a water main had burst on the South side 4th floor (we're on the North side, thank God). The atrium looked like a waterfall as all the water leaked out of 4th floor suite windows. :D

About 10:30, they shut off all the water in the building. This also kills the sprinklers, so the fire dept. made us evacuate. Of course, they did this with no notice while I was trying to get money out to our clients. Evac notice hits at 10:30, I finally leave at 11:30. Gotta be in at 7 to see if the shit hits the fan tomorrow.

Had a nice afternoon, though.
Played with the boy and got an hour or so messing around on the computer. It was nice.

Paying for it now, though.
Yeah.. Time off doesn't equate to a reduction in work. It will all have to be double timed to bring it back to even keel.