What are you eating right now?

I made a large bowl of soup comprised of leek, onion, garlic, curry, salt, pepper, lemon seed, ginger, honey, rice vinegar, and split peas... all with a side of whole wheat pitas.
I just finished a bowl of Kraft Easy Mac. Now I'm cooking an "el cheapo" mini pizza in the toaster oven.
Not much of a "snacker" for the most part. (sweets, chips an' such)

Type O blood.......................I'm a "carnivor" mostly.

Shortly, be eatin' some grilled pork tenderloin, seasoned with garlic an' cajun spices..............an' drinkin' Merlot......ofcourse. :D
Justintime said:
Psycho said:
Mhhh, lunch-time. One 'stick-of-bread-which-you-english-speaking-people-don't-seem-to-have-a-freakin'-word-for' with cheese and ...

Breadstick? :D


For breakfast at 7 am I had a bowl of sultana bran with skim milk, a 0% fat actimel(probiotic yogurt drinK for my IBS) and a cup of black coffee that's strong enough to melt teaspoons. 300 cals.

...and for elevensis I'm gonna have a sesame bagel with smoked ham and 1/2 fat mature chedder, a pack of low fat crisps and an apple. 450 cals.

No lunch as I'll be out working but around 4 o'clock I'll have a bowl of soup and a dry bread roll. 300 cals.

Then for dinner at about 7 - 8 pm I'll have a Weight watchers diet meal with a large salad - no dressing, followed by a low fat yogurt. 500 cals.

Then for supper I'll have a couple of plain sweet biscuits and a low calorie choclate drink. 150 cals.

In between if I'm hungery I'll have some fruit and water, tea, coffee or sugar free squash. About 2000 cals per day. On a normal day I'd have a piece of fruit for elevensis and probably have the soup in the evening. I'm pre-diabetic so I don't normally eat refined sugar but eat complex carbohydrates instead as they keep my blood sugar more stable and I can't function on three meals a day - I need to eat every 3-4 hours or I go hypo. When I'm programming or busy I use a timer to alert myself otherwise I forget to eat for hours until I get really ill - I start to get snappy and very aggressive and act as though I'm drunk and I have passed out a few times.
Currently nothing, I am not yet awake enough to go get food.

Last night for dinner though I had chicken parmesan with pasta and tomatoe sauce and a piece of garlic bread. Then I had the BEST cake/pie for desseert. The pie shell was chocolate cake, then the filling was vanilla pudding like stuff, then another thin layer of the cake, then whipped creme, and then crumbled cake sprinkled on top. YUM
Pumpkin pie with so much cool whip on it you can't see the pie. :D :D

I love Thanksgiving.