What does AVG want from me?


Staff member
it keeps popping up and telling me it's found a Trojan (random ones) and to run AVG (wtf is up with that anyway) to get rid of it.

so I do, and it finds nothing...and so on, and so on...

are these several that it's found and deleted and the popup window is simply badly worded and I'm just supposed to run it as a precaution? or do I have them and they're hiding? :confuse3:


Staff member
catocom said:
I have had to startup in safe mode to get some of them.
does that mean I should've been remembering the names of them? :ditzy:

it can find them randomly but not when it looks for them?

*not impressed with AVG*
I guess it's time to do Norton again :lloyd:


Staff member
HomeLAN said:
Norton is evil.
but it never made me bang my head on the desk :(

Kawaii...I am as dumb as a post and don't know any lingo :confuse3: if you're trying to be Luis and tell me to do Linux...um...no :p


New Member
Go Mcafee if you have to get one of 'em. The problem with Norton is that it's like a virus itself. Gets into EVERYTHING. Forget uninstalling it without a major headache.

McAfee has some of the same issues, but not to the same extent. They also don't force you to upgrade every freakin' year.


Staff member
HomeLAN said:
Go Mcafee if you have to get one of 'em. The problem with Norton is that it's like a virus itself. Gets into EVERYTHING. Forget uninstalling it without a major headache.

McAfee has some of the same issues, but not to the same extent. They also don't force you to upgrade every freakin' year.
I had it till earlier this month...and liked it...and managed to uninstall it ok...on XP. On 98 it was absolutely hell on earth. I was recommending people away from it left and right, but on XP it was pretty good.

But my free year sadly expired.

I found Kawaii's thing...it's another AV program. interestin but $$$$.


Staff member
I'm pissed mostly now cause I didn't bother to read and remember the names of what it said I had...I mean it found it once, it'd find it again when I told it to go look wouldn't it? :tardbang:

so now even if I wanted to do it manually, I don't know wtf I'm looking for.


Too cute for words
run AVG (wtf is up with that anyway)
Les, it's telling you to run a complete system scan manually. It will find the trojans again and hopefully isolate them. Being free, it's not really big on automatic features. :shrug:


Staff member
yeah...that's what I've been doing...all morning :blank: but it ain't findin nada. Then it'll be quiet for awhile and then the popup again. It's actually quit for a bit now...so *shrug* I dunno what it wants now :laugh:

the wtf was for the notion that it notices it and instead of taking it out makes me go through the manual thing. I guess that's the you get what you pay for end of things.


Well-Known Member
Les, have you updated with the new vir definition that
just came out today?
(I notice they just came out with a new one, and just now finish updating all mine) :nerd:


Staff member
yeah...that didn't help.

but I finally got another popup...and found out that it was in my System Restore files...and apparently AVG doesn't go there. So I had to turn that off :eh: but hopefully it's fixed now.


Well-Known Member
I'm still a big fan of AVG.
It's save mine and several of my customers' butts several times. :swing:


Staff member
from this experience, I guess I just need to get used to it and read what the window is telling me its' found...at least it found it originally, even if it couldn't do it again :lloyd:


Well-Known Member
Norton's been pretty good to me so far.

So McAfee doesn't make you re-up the subscription for the virus definitions once a year? Are definition upgrades free for the life of the product?


New Member
McAfee will continue with general upgrades of all kinds throughout your subscription year. You can still get the new definitions for a given system baseline ... but no future mega overhauling of the base coding itself. i.e 'version'.


New Member
My sister had Sasser and some kind of "invisibleFTP" trojan and I found the same thing yesterday with AVG, that it would say you're infected but it wouldn't find it in a full system scan.

In XP for any virus removal, you need to disable system restore before you try to get rid of them, or it won't work most of the time. And it's always a good thing to do it in safe mode.

There are many that also have running processes in Task Manager. So you have to do it in a certain order to get rid of them (stop the process first, delete the registry entry that runs the process, delete the files that are installed, etc.).

Depending on the virus/worm/trojan, there may already be a removal tool available from Norton. Even though I exclusively use AVG, I'll still use the removal tools and information found on Norton's site. http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/tools.list.html

You should also make sure you have all your MS patches, that your antivirus definitions are up to date, your passwords on your computer are secure and your firewall is running. My sister did none of those things, which is why she got the virus in the first place.

Even with all that, you can still get viruses. But I am diligent with all of it, I use AVG, and I've never had a virus on my home computer. *knock on wood