What kind of mold is black, gooey, and undetectable, smell-wise, until you get close?


Staff member
I found it hiding in my room behind one of my cabinets. I sprayed the hell out of it with Lysol and wiped up what I could, but part of the cabinet is stained, and the floor directly underneath the streak has black specs on it. :(


New Member
Actually, it doesn't sound like mold, sounds like something leaked or spilled and turned gross. What does it smell like when you get close?


Well-Known Member
What kind of mold is black, gooey, and undetectable, smell-wise, until you get close?
I think I heard this joke once.......


Clorox would probably clean it up. Not sure what'll do to the carpet/cabinets/walls though.


New Member
not sure but i've seen damp go black flecked like that, check the area is as well ventilated as it can be and check it regularly to see if it comes back.


Staff member
Smells definitely like a mold. It certainly wouldn't be the spoiled result of anything I had on there, because I don't put liquid stuff on there. I have my alarm clock and my lamp.


Staff member
No, it looks like something just jumped up out of the ground and stuck to the side of the cabinet. I noticed the padding on the bottom of the lamp is warped, but I'm not sure whether that is related to this, caused by this, or if it's been like that.


Staff member
There's a puddle on the ledge on the bottom of the cabinet that was composed of the stuff, it looked and felt kind of like tar but smelled like mold.


New Member
Any chance the boys might have had something to do with this? Not necessarily on purpose, but possibly a little accident they might have not wanted to mention?


Staff member
I suppose, but up until 3 hours ago when I cleaned the room, it was impossible to get around without knowing where to step.


New Member
Why, cuz it's messy or because of the invasion of the blob?

If it's cuz it's messy, I'm quite sure the little buggers can maneuver around that kinda stuff like little atvs :D