What scares your dog?


New Member
(this is in L&L because it has to do with relationships... with dogs. :D)

I'm dog-sitting for my best friend's dog and took my camera to her house. I was sitting on the couch waiting for Layla to fall asleep so I could take a picture of her and when I turned on the flash, she freaked out! She jumped up and ran upstairs, under my friend's bed.

I figured out that it was the high pitched noise that a flash makes when it warms up that bothered her. She's not a normally skittish dog, so I was surprised. Like a lot of dogs, thunder and sirens bother her but not much else.

What scares your dog?


molṑn labé
Staff member
a bigger dog (and the woman at the pound saying, he won't feel a thing) :(


Well-Known Member
Thunder. All of my dogs have been afraid of thunder. Which is kinda disappointing, coz I love to sit out on the deck in storms and watch the lightning.


Well-Known Member
rolled up magazines.
diana and i were goofing around and i grabbed a magazine and rolled it quick to swat her and the poor dog dove for cover. took us 10 minutes to convice him we weren't mad at him.


New Member
Dudley HATES the camera too. He barks and growls and jumps all over the place, if you even point the camera at him. (it does not have to be on :D )...then he runs away.
He also despises the vacuum cleaner, and has since he was a baby puppy. He tried to go under the bed the first time he saw and heard it...unfortunately for him, we had a waterbed at the time.
The other dogs do whatever he does.


Staff member
My dog is afraid of thunder and also of the vacuum and brooms. She does not run from the later two however. When they are in use she grabs onto them with her teeth. She is very little but thinks so is indestructable :rolleyes:


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
Thunder scares em all, the little two can go to the vet without a problem, but I literally have to drag Cappy out of the car, and into the vets office. He'll willingly go everywhere else, but hides in the back of the car as soon as we pull into the vets parking lot.


Staff member

I just discovered that my dog is afraid of me when i growl at her

I just came in the house and she started barking. So, I growled at her and she actually ran away!!! :eek:

I then followed her of course and petted her so she knows I was not mad or anything :)


New Member
Professur said:
I love to sit out on the deck in storms and watch the lightning.

Me too. I haven't done that since I heard the thunder and saw the lightning simultaneously one afternoon. I had a buzzing in my ears for hours, it hit just a block away. I found out the next day that it hit a little girl playing soccer in the park. :(

It makes sense that loud noises scare dogs, it hurts their ears. I hate seeing dogs that are afraid of newspapers or brooms, it reminds me of a dog that we adopted who had been abused.

I'm going to make sure I give Layla a big hug tonight. :)


New Member
Sneak some pics when she's not looking. Turn on Animal Planet. Chopper loves that channel...he will watch it for hours.


New Member
I feel bad though, cus once I take the picture, the jig will be up. She'll hear it, get scared, and think I'm trying to hurt her. :(

She sleeps so cute though. She rests her nose on the left side of her front paws, then turns so that the side of her head is on the floor. Her floppy left ear flops over and it's just adorable.

I wouldn't be able to get enough light without a flash, so I think I'll probably get one, and then she'll avoid me, break my heart, and I'll have to stop.


Well-Known Member
the dog is starting to get used to the camera now that i have a digital one. so long as i have a light on nearby, i can turn the flash off and it doesn't bother him as much.


New Member
Spot, your doggy looked like he sat real nice for the camera.

greenie, give her a yum yum right after you take her pic! :)


New Member
That's a good idea, to show her that it's ok to have her picture taken. "Positive Reinforcement". Yup, you can tell that you watch Good Dog U on Animal Planet too. :D

Luis G

Staff member
It seems that nothing scares the dog we have, she even liked a cat's face, the cat got furious she didn't care.

Luis G

Staff member
She's getting much better, her strenght has increased a lot, a few weeks ago her legs used to "open" while walking. Now she can walk and run almost normally, she can't jump thou.

The controversy about which disease she has is still going. We are not giving her any medication, just some vitamins and a normal meal.


New Member
Great! She sounds ALOT better than the last time you gave us a report on her. Give her hugs and kisses for me.:)