What was your first job?


New Member
SouthernN'Proud said:
I worked for three days as a line clearer for the phone company. On day three, we killed 14 copperheads and three rattlesnakes...before lunch. Exit Mike.

Fuuuuuck that shit. First copperhead would've done it for both me and whatever pair of pants I was wearing at the time.


New Member
I used to shovel snow off doorstops when I was a kid but the first job I had that taxes were taken out of was when I was 14. I served pizza at a sbarro-like place in the mall.


New Member
Babysitting 'til 14, then the local Donut shop thru HS. Met my first love at that Donut shop, and we still keep in touch.


Well-Known Member
$8.50/hr, non-commissioned sales at Circuit City, started ~6 weeks ago. Income tax sucks. I pay $1.35/hr to the government so that they can steal my constitutional rights.

The job is alright. Better than flipping burgers or bagging groceries. The general public is so stupid and argumentative that it sometimes makes my job a bitch to do.

"Show me where your Xbox controllers on sale are."
"All of our Xbox controllers are right over here, sir."
About 3 hours ago...

"Do you have March of the Penguins?"
"All of our new releases are on this shelf, ma'am. Were you unable to find it? I could look it up on the computer if it wasn't on the shelf."
"I didn't look... you're supposed to know where it is... horrible salesman... *stomps off*"
This happened about a week ago, while I was talking to another customer in a different department. The bitch interrupted my sale to ask me questions abou t the next department. As a salesman, I should know the products that I sell, which are CRT TVs and DVD players. Contrary to popular belief, I do not know the location, price, and how many we have in stock for every single product in the entire fucking store off the top of my head.

Then, about four days ago, I was filling in for somebody as a cashier. It was late and there were no customers so I was just chilling. The nice lady who does all the financial stuff for the store came over to take some cash out of the registers, because they fill up with cash very quickly and need some taken out and moved to the vault 3-4 times a day. She took like $1300 from my register, then started taking some out of the adjoining register. The March of the Penguins bitch came up and started yelling at the payroll lady because she was unhappy with one of the computer salesman.
bitch: "The salesman didn't make eye contact, I was signing up for the credit card and he didn't give me the right forms to sign... ... I demand a formal apology from them with you present"
payroll lady: "I'm not a manager, so I can't make the salesman apologize to you, but you can talk to-"
bitch: "I want a formal apology RIGHT NOW!!!"
At which point the bitch proceeded to yell at the payroll lady, who didn't do anything to her. The payroll lady tried to reason with her, but she kept going on. Finally the store director came up and started talking to her. The conversation lasted a good half hour and ended with the director having to give the bitch a sizable discount on a large purchase. I was really pissed off, because
a) Judging by how she had treated me previously, she was greatly exxagerrating what happened with the computer salesman. I know everyone in the computer department, and not one would act like that.
b) She yelled at random people who caused her no harm.
c) She forced the store director, who is a cool dude, into giving her a discount and an apology.
d) It proved that by being an asshole and bitching to people, you can get ahead in life.

Then, the next day, I see her again, with a girl maybe 7 years old. The girl is off looking at something and the bitch is all "Get over here RIGHT NOW, we're leaving", yelling at her own daughter for no reason other than the daughter got distracted by one of our TVs or something.

I sooooo wanted to punch her in the face, but I didn't.

Oh, and I almost forgot to mention, XMAS MUSIC. There's a radio in the back on one of those stacks of boxes in the high shelves lining the walls at a height of about 7 feet. It's a tiny clock radio, turned all the way up, playing only xmas music. 7+ hours a day. We hatesss it, my precious.


Well-Known Member
You only pay $1.35 an hour to the government? I wish I got off that cheap. I pay $2.28 an hour to the government... and that's just the feds. If we include California taxes, that's $2.78 an hour.


molṑn labé
Staff member
Welcome to working for a living.

Altron said:
Income tax sucks. I pay $1.35/hr to the government so that they can steal my constitutional rights.

Welcome to adulthood.


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
kat2220 said:
Babysitting 'til 14, then the local Donut shop thru HS. Met my first love at that Donut shop, and we still keep in touch.

:D Glazed, or creme-filled? :D


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
Altron said:
a) Judging by how she had treated me previously, she was greatly exxagerrating what happened with the computer salesman. I know everyone in the computer department, and not one would act like that.
b) She yelled at random people who caused her no harm.
c) She forced the store director, who is a cool dude, into giving her a discount and an apology.
d) It proved that by being an asshole and bitching to people, you can get ahead in life.

I am the NCOIC of dayshift in the passenger terminal, and I deal with retirees all the time. Most of them are okay, but you also get a few that are chronic complainers. They complain when they don't get on a flight...and I have to explain that we are not a scheduled airline, our schedule is subject to change without prior notice, and that they are flying Space A (Space Available), which means that cargo has priority. I do all of this with a smile, with courtesy, and with respect. I don't act rude, I don't resent the fact that they are upset, and I don't treat them with anything less than I expect to be treated. That's the difference between customer service and just putting in your time. Now here's the best part...all of our flights are free. The only thing you pay for is your meal...which is a paltry $3.50. If I see somebody in dire straights, I'll sometimes go out of pocket and buy them a meal. I don't do it for accolades, either.


New Member
Altron said:
d) It proved that by being an asshole and bitching to people, you can get ahead in life.
I wouldn't say that that's the best route to take in your whole life but often times, that's the only way to get satisfaction from a store or vendor. It used to embarrass me when my mother would do it. She would start out calm and cordial but if she felt she was being slighted, she had no problem throwing a fit and sharing her experience with others in the store. You know what? It doesn't embarrass me anymore. Because it's my opinion that good customer service and "the customer is always right" is almost non-existant anymore. So if I have to be a fucking bitch to get what I deserve, I will. I don't do it just to see how far I can go, I only want what's right. It's sad and I wish I didn't have to do it, but I will.

Sometimes that doesn't work either though. And that's when you go online and bad-mouth them to everyone you can. I've done that to Tiger Direct with the BBB, my blog, opinion sites, resellerratings.com, MySimon.com, etc.

I feel for you Alt, I really do. I've been there. It's these jobs that will make you want to strive for something better. We've all had shitty circumstances but you'll get better jobs. In the meantime, make the most out of what you're given and do it with work integrity. You may or may not be recognized for it but at least you'll have your own pride.


Well-Known Member
The problem with "the customer is always right" is that always following that will put you out of business eventually. Customers will push the limits. Guaranteed. That's not to say customer service should go out the window... just that there has to be a line drawn somewhere. I personally would have asked Altron's customer to leave the store.


Well-Known Member
But what the customers don't understand is that they can get the same if not better results by being nice instead of bitching. The employees do have some input in how customers are treated. Customers who are nice leave the store much better off than assholes.

For example, we have this karaoke machine that is discontiuned, out of stock. In situations like that, we will sell the floor model as open box. A lady really liked it and treated me with respect, so when I got the manager to move it to open box, I made sure that it was a good price, like 30% off, and I got the manager to include a floor model microphone on the open box details. Now, had that person been an asshole, there would be no microphone and they would be lucky to get 10% off.

It works the same way with everything. We keep the game systems in the back. Nice customers get the best one I can find. With assholes, I go out of my way to find a very banged up and dirty box. I've even heard conversations like this in the warehouse:
Salesman: "Can you get ________ TV?"
Warehouse guy: "I've got two, is the customer someone you like?"
Salesman: "Well they did bitch about __________"
Warehouse guy: "Alright, I got a really dirty and busted up box, I'll give them that one."


Southern Discomfort
greenfreak said:
What's your next job (hopefully) SnP?

I'm still with the same company but doing network administration.

Sorry, I lost this thread for a few days...

I'm trying to get on with the state department of mental health/mental retardation as an investigator. Much better pay, much closer to what I went to school for, and much fewer meth addicts.


Active Member
I look like the piker in this bunch. Didn't have a job until I was in college, and then, it was only at Christmas --- working in the Gift Wrap department.

After I graduated, I started teaching --- end of list.

Altron, if you want to see bitchy customers, try dealing with a 7th grader's mom who suspects you "don't like my son/daughter." LOL


New Member
My first actual job was at 17 when I got a temp (vacation) job as a bank teller, before that I did some babysitting, housesitting and so on.

Worked in just about every department in the branch, from Tellers to Enquiries, Back Office (General Ledgers), Reports (where we get credit ratings for clients) and even switchboard once in a while. Ended up as the Regional Manager's assistant at 21 (I'd gone from temp to contract to permanent in 3 years, which was cool considering most people get stuck on 6 month contracts, which get renewed at the discretion of the bank). While at the Regional head office I also worked with budgets, training etc etc. Eventually quit 'cos I was leaving the country (and then ended up staying).

After that I worked as an office manager & draughtsperson for a land surveyor - I loved doing the maps, diagrams and plans! It was something completely new and challenging. Unfortunately it was a temp position and I was only filling in for the regular lady who was on maternity leave.

After that I worked in insurance for a while...and almost killed myself within a month.

I am now working for a company that works with attornys re property transfers and development - interestig stuff, but dealing with a bunch on whinging legal secretaries and attorneys can be rather trying at times.


New Member
My first actually job that I recall was, taking care of myself at age 16..........then I worked for my Father at his business for about 2 months and he fired me.............can you believe it-the nerve.......gotta love family. Then I worked as a cashier at Shop-Rite at age 18.