What's the youngest you've pretended to be, and gotten away with?

Leslie said:
*is not and would not ever be making demands/suggestions/hints with the veiled (empty) threat of not putting out*

Now there's a real woman. My ex-wife used that thing between her legs like it was made of gold. No wonder she's been married 8 times.
Even my friends think that I am older.

I was good buddies with this kid all through freshman year...

Towards the end of school, I asked him what classes he was taking next year, to see if we would be in any of the same classes.

He was like 'What, you're not graduating?'
Altron said:
Even my friends think that I am older.

I was good buddies with this kid all through freshman year...

Towards the end of school, I asked him what classes he was taking next year, to see if we would be in any of the same classes.

He was like 'What, you're not graduating?'

You didn't even know what classes he was taking at the time and he didn't know the classes you were taking? That doesn't sound like very close friends...
I'm 26, and the drinking age over here is 18. I get carded all the time. I don't mind, I figure it won't be long before I get to the age where I'll look like a decrepit old hag. :shrug:
Although I don't think that I look younger than my 35 years, I was recently carded at the casino. I was peeved seeing as I had left my purse in the trunk of the car and it was pissing rain outside.

I've also had young pups hit on me while clubbing with the girls. I'm /still/ amazed how many of them persist after being told I'm 15 years older than they are and married with two kids! WTF are they thinking? Free sex? :confused:
K62 said:
I'm 21. I have never pretended to be younger than I am.

I have pulled off pretending I was older to buy beers years ago.
Yeah I did the same... :lol:

Most people think I'm about 10 years younger than I am when they meet me, but when they hear me on the phone many believe I'm considerably younger. I guess because I've got quite a soft high-pitched voice, I must sound very young.
alex said:
Now there's a real woman. My ex-wife used that thing between her legs like it was made of gold. No wonder she's been married 8 times.

8 TIMES?! :eek5:

My wife isn't stupid enough to use withholding sex as a weapon, but then I was quite careful in choosing who I married. I had a girlfriend or two who did that. It always ended the relationship mighty quickly.
Nixy said:
You didn't even know what classes he was taking at the time and he didn't know the classes you were taking? That doesn't sound like very close friends...

We were in a class together that had students from all four grades.
Aunty Em said:
Yeah I did the same... :lol:

Most people think I'm about 10 years younger than I am when they meet me, but when they hear me on the phone many believe I'm considerably younger. I guess because I've got quite a soft high-pitched voice, I must sound very young.

Yeah, I've got a young "girlish" phone voice as well. Bane of my existence. ;)
HomeLAN said:
8 TIMES?! :eek5:

My wife isn't stupid enough to use withholding sex as a weapon, but then I was quite careful in choosing who I married. I had a girlfriend or two who did that. It always ended the relationship mighty quickly.

We were young, she was hot....we married pretty quick (preggers).....things changed after we married....lasted about 1 1/2 years....lesson learned

She still does it to. She tells me how she won't give her current hubby any, but she'll flash me when she comes over.......did I mention she's also a tease.
I've never tried to pose as being younger. Still get carded for smokes and beer, 37 I am.
StuTheWise said:
Well shoot Winky, and here I thought you were a 20-year old girl that just got a cheap new webcam!

yeah but I'm not going put the head set on my ears
cuz its kinda retarded!
Okay, Mare, now that's impressive!

My boss is sending me to Vegas in June along with several of my coworkers. I have a bet with one of them that I will get carded. I figure if I shave my head (I keep it high and tight in traditional military style), stay clean shaven, and get rid of my glasses, I have a pretty good chance.

Hafta wait 'til I get away from work to watch that one Luis. Watched a bit more of your vid Winky and have decided that you're actually 12, not 20. :D
I'm 15 actually

and daumn proud of it

when I grow up I wanna GF like Filthywhore!