
Staff member
I posted somewhere else that I now have an office all to myself. Well, this morning I came in after being home sick yesterday to find that the mousepad w/ gel wrist rest, scissors and calculator that I ordered weeks ago have arrived! YAY!

Also, I am wearing sandals today and thus I can slip them off and sit here with no shoes on!!! This is GREAT!

What about your work space do you guys like a lot?
I work for my-self scratching my balls

but when i went to school, and the teacher ordered new stuff, i would always steal it, like projectors, ect ect
My office is carpeted and has a bookshelf and my two computers. I'm never in it. I got rid of my office phone because I'm never in it, so everyone contacts me through email. It's nice. :)

Obviously, no office at Best Buy. Just a shared work area.
Well, I work in a computer room that stays a constant 58-60 F. It's a tad chilly at first but you get used to it rather quickly. I've got 4 Pcs, 1 As/400, about 12 webservers, Never added up the fileservers, somwhere around 50 or so. I like the room, got nice comfy chairs, lots of variety of work.
5X7 cube, no view (except the screen), and co-workers complain when I listen to "Super Sounds of the Seventies." Other than that, and the idiots I have to deal with, it kind of sucks.
chcr said:
5X7 cube, no view (except the screen), and co-workers complain when I listen to "Super Sounds of the Seventies." Other than that, and the idiots I have to deal with, it kind of sucks.
I'd complain too if I was next door... :sick:

I work in a nice big open plan area... we have 10 computers for public access plus the main admininstration computer. I usually log in on number 01 as admin when I have CVs to do... but I usually log in as public on any of the others when I'm teaching, as the clients get time to practice their new found skills on their own and we wouldn't want them getting into admin and causing havoc! So basically, I have 11 computers to play with. Oh and we have games on some of them for when it's not busy.... but only if you're logged in as admin.... administrators privilege. ;)
Nihilistic said:
I work for my-self scratching my balls

but when i went to school, and the teacher ordered new stuff, i would always steal it, like projectors, ect ect
I work at foodland, so I'd say that I have a fairly big office.

It sucks in that I have to mop that entire floor because the damned scrubber stopped working (not on my watch).

Thus, work sucks :)
PuterTutor said:
Well, I work in a computer room that stays a constant 58-60 F. It's a tad chilly at first but you get used to it rather quickly.


God bless server rooms. :D

Well, when they work anyway. One of ours went down again last night. Fucking physical plant can't even fix an air conditioner right. He decided to top it off when it went down yesterday morning and added another 2-3 lbs of coolant. Then after it went down around 10 last night, and after working on it all morning, they decided that the compressor needs the headroom, and thus the act of topping it off actually choked the unit. :rolleyes:
i work in a big windowless office with lots of storage space.
shoes highly recommended.
I used to work in an office where my window looked into the MCI building. Once I saw some dude making out with a chick on his desk about 8 floors down or so.