Why a flat percentage tax is best


New Member
I honestly believe that a flat tax for everyone would be best for the economy. A flat tax is fair because nobody could complain that his/her taxes are too high in proportion to anyone else's taxes. A person who works for a certain number of hours in a year would not get taxxed proportionally too high in relation to a person who works fewer number of hours in a yeare who gets paid the same hourly wages for the same type of work. Also I do support the current deductions. A flat tax would be simple to understand, easy to audit, and good for the environment. No more having to look through many pages of paper tax tables to find how much you owe in taxes. All you would have to do is just multiply your total income by a certain percentage and your taxes would be done very quickly.
The best way is to tax consumption.

But it is to screwed up to collect tax that way.
So the best way would be the way outlined by Ayn Rand.
Fee for service.
What an idea, if you use a government service you pay for it.
If you don't use it, you don't pay.
Now there are two things wrong here. First no one here knows
what Ayn said about this subject so without that person going and becoming intimately familiar with her discourse on the matter that person can’t enter into a real discussion on this concept.
Secondly, if you knew that 60+ cents of every tax dollar you currently have extorted from you was slated for the worthless slug that lives down your street or a foreign government there'd be shooting in the streets.

Also think of all the
CPA's Tax lawyers and H & R block that would be out of a job?
Do away with earning tax and other personal taxes.

Base it on a consuption of goods and services tax.

The rich have more money to spend, they consume more and they will pay more. Everyone pays the same rate.

The flat tax would be great for me, but not for the low or no income people.
ResearchMonkey said:
The rich have more money to spend, they consume more and they will pay more. Everyone pays the same rate.

That $380,000. yacht in New Hampshire is only $275,000. in Nassau. The poor guy can't afford both the boat & the plane trip, the rich guy can.
RM shouldn't be allowed to post in this thread
between he and his wife’s income they are in the
'evil rich' category and pay more in taxes than
some people make all year.
Gonz said:
Hateful rich guy :p

Ahhhh yes, ruin the world, . . . come along now Smithers.

ResearchMonkey said:
The flat tax would be great for me, but not for the low or no income people.
That's the point everyone misses. A flat tax would penalize the poor more than the rich. It'd be a heck of a lot easier doing our yearly accounting job for the government though, huh?
Interesting use of the word penalize. It can be applied to the poor with ease yet the exact same action, when applied to those hateful rich guys, it's called equitable.

Sound right Mr Burns?
Gonz said:
Interesting use of the word penalize. It can be applied to the poor with ease yet the exact same action, when applied to those hateful rich guys, it's called equitable.

Sound right Mr Burns?
That's the point everyone misses. A flat tax would penalize the poor more than the rich. It'd be a heck of a lot easier doing our yearly accounting job for the government though, huh?
Interestingly (but not unsurprisingly) you completely misunderstand. I'm neither for nor against a flat tax, I don't understand tax laws well enough to make an intelligent judgement. Like RM, a flat tax helps me personally so I would probably support it. A lot of people think it would be a boon to the poor ("make the rich bastards pay their share") when in fact, regardless of what the so-called rich are expected to pay (and I'll bet regardless of percentages it's more real money than most of us make) It's the poor that would be the most adversely affected (thus penalized). Currently they either don't pay taxes or are in fact subsidized by the government. I was merely commenting on the misunderstanding that so many liberals seem to have.

Once again, a post says what you believe it to say, regardless of what it actually says. :shrug:
Sorry, I said I wasn't going to respond anymore, didn't I?
fair share
The poor by definition do not contribute therefore do not reap many benefits. The so called Rich provide a greater
'contribution' therefore are more richly rewarded and under our current system more greatly penalized.

Try this. Start your own business and do seven figures in sales. Then you will begin to know what the current tax system can do to an honest Joe trying to make a buck!

Anyhow the reality of our current tax system is this.
The poor don’t make any money so they don’t pay taxes.
The truly wealthy minimize their taxes through the proper use of the tax code
and tax lawyers. (as well they should because they provide jobs for)
The middle classes pay most of the Taxes!
Remember unless you are Rich or poor any tax increase that occurs
will be borne on YOUR shoulders!!!

C’Mon have any of you looked lately Bushy’s tax cut put money in YOUR pocket
everyone some a little some A LOT!!!

Oh I forgot I wasn't going to respond to any of this lol
uhmm yes, penalize the unwashed peasants.


A large part of the population does not pay any federal income tax, a large percentage of those receive entitlements. Those same people reap the benefits of US citizenship, the full assets maintained by the US gov’t and it's entitlements. (even illegal immigrants do)

Through my personal taxes: I pay my share and the share for several other families that do not pay taxes. In too many cases I pay for their housing, food, medical and their weekend beer. The only tax they pay for is on the beer they bought with my tax dollar.

My wife and I got to where we are through sacrifice. By doing what we needed to do earn a good living. I have never received a student loan, a grant, or welfare. My wife had 2 student loans that we paid off and she received disability for 3 months of the last pregnancy (1 of 4).

My wife has never been to Hawaii and she wants so badly to go there. Working hard and saving money we still can’t afford to make that trip because we have to pay personal taxes every 3 months. On 6/15/04 I paid enough in taxes to take my family to Hawaii for 2 weeks. The ironic part is that an un-named, un-employed, entitlement recieveing OTC member has been able to go to Hawaii not too awfully long ago during the dreaded Bush economy (I may be wrong, but I think I read such a thread).

So who is getting penalized?

I don’t mind paying more because I earn more and spend more. I don’t like paying for selfish lazy people that pay nothing and recieve more than hard working middle class.
chcr said:
Interestingly (but not unsurprisingly) you completely misunderstand.

I misunderstood nothing. I said nothing about a tax rate did I? I was just amused by the verbage. Chill out.
Gonz said:
I misunderstood nothing. I said nothing about a tax rate did I? I was just amused by the verbage. Chill out.
Sorry, I guess now I was being to sensitive. :D

I hate that other foot thing.

I kind of felt like I was being raked over the coals for agreeing with you guys about something.