Why anti-gambling laws must be repealed


New Member
Government officials should remove legislation that would prohibit gambling businesses from operating. Lotteries should be legal in all states and in D.C. Money generated by gambling games ran by governments could be taxed and used for government programs such as funding for the U.S. Armed Forces, more health care for people, education, and/or other programs. Schools could be partially turned into gambling businesses such as casinos, bingo, and/or lotteries in which during hours when classes are not in session, such gambling games could occur on school property and people could come to play them.

Gambling provides jobs. Many people work at casinos and racetracks by taking bets and/or other jobs, manufacture/fix gambling equipment, refill lottery shelves, operate lottery machines, work bingo cards, and/or do other gambling jobs.

Gambling provides entertainment and/or income for people. Many people gamble for fun and a chance to meet other people. Up to 80% of adults have gambled in their lifetime. Only 1/16th of them have become compulsive gamblers.

Write and call your legislatures and inform them to legalize all forms of gambling.


I never said smoking should be illegal and for your information if it were up to me drugs and prostiturtion would be legal in a legally limited capacity.


New Member
Ok fine, then pass an amendment that would give Congress the authority to ensure everyone can have access to (but is not required to) reasonable health care, education, reasonable housing, reasonable clean water to drink, etc. Yes, make hemp, drugs, and prostitution (but not child prostitution) totally legal. And have dueling arenas set up where people can duel each other safely - money collected from people attending can be taxed and use to pay for government programs.


New Member
I agree up to the point where you keep talking about government control and taxation. It should all be legal and legal for private individuals to set up their own lotteries and breweries and casinos and drugs and... without the government seeing one red dime.


New Member
Unclehobart, I recommended the tax on gambling & prostitution & hemp & drugs as a way to get them first legalized in states where they're currently illegal. Later such a special gambling/prostitution/hemp/drug tax could be repealed after they're legalized.


Staff member
PowerballWinner said:
Later such a special gambling/prostitution/hemp/drug tax could be repealed after they're legalized.

bwahahahhaaa!! No, seriously...are you for real?


repeal a lucrative tax such as that once on the books?!


as IF!!!


Staff member
So that having been said, you'd like to have one put on, and then hope that at some point it'll be taken off? After it's shown to be as lucrative as it will be?

Keep dreamin'.


New Member
Leslie said:
So that having been said, you'd like to have one put on, and then hope that at some point it'll be taken off? After it's shown to be as lucrative as it will be?

Keep dreamin'.

Yep, good luck getting them repealed ,Income tax was only supposed to be temporary,but proved too big a "cashcow".


New Member
How about this for an idea: People could pay the government massive amounts of money to have built life size copies of their heads like on Mt. Rushmore. The money could be used to fund government programs.


Well-Known Member
Why all laws must be repealed

Lettuce just tax everything @ 110%
110% you say?
Well that would serve to let everyone know
for sure that they aren’t entitled to ANY of the
fruits of their own labors. Of course at the same time
abolish private property and all due process.
But you’ll have all that yummy gubernment
free medical ect ect.
It werked prudy durn good in the Soviet Union!
Now all we need is a new name for this country
cuz you sure as Hell ain’t gonna be callin’ it


Well-Known Member
Re: Why all laws must be repealed

Well, they probably still would. We would still be located on the continent of North America. You could possibly even still call them the United States of America, or the United Socialist States of America, or the Place with Extremely Taxed Americans (PETA), or something else along those lines. But America would probably still be in it because it's on the American land mass.


molṑn labé
Staff member
PowerballWinner said:
Ok fine, then pass an amendment that would give Congress the authority to ensure everyone can have access to (but is not required to) reasonable health care, education, reasonable housing, reasonable clean water to drink, etc. Yes, make hemp, drugs, and prostitution (but not child prostitution) totally legal. And have dueling arenas set up where people can duel each other safely - money collected from people attending can be taxed and use to pay for government programs.

But I disagree with that. Each state, not the Federal government, has its own authority to solve the issues of its citizens,