Why do people tell me these things???


Well-Known Member
I dunno what it is ... in person, I scare people to silence. I can sit in a crowded lunch room, and not one person will attempt to intrude on my privacy. But online ... Gawd, it seems like everyone wants to tell me their secrets. Y'know, the type ot things that you really just don't ever want to know about anyone. Ever.

I just had a guy tell me that he finds Meg Griffin hot, and he faps to the episode where she kidnaps Brian and strips off to her bra and panties. Then he starts going on about the episode where Stewie sees her naked and goes into convulsions ... and how there's a rumoured shot where you can see the full frontal reflection of her in a mirror but that you have to have the HD version and crank the alignment of the vertical to see the very edge of the screen.

I mean, this guy needs help, but he says he's not alone. Apparently there are hundreds of guys out there sharing Meg Griffin porn. Why does he think I want to know this??????

So, what have you been told that you wish they'd just kept to themselves?
I dunno what it is ... in person, I scare people to silence. I can sit in a crowded lunch room, and not one person will attempt to intrude on my privacy. But online ... Gawd, it seems like everyone wants to tell me their secrets. Y'know, the type ot things that you really just don't ever want to know about anyone. Ever.

I just had a guy tell me that he finds Meg Griffin hot, and he faps to the episode where she kidnaps Brian and strips off to her bra and panties. Then he starts going on about the episode where Stewie sees her naked and goes into convulsions ... and how there's a rumoured shot where you can see the full frontal reflection of her in a mirror but that you have to have the HD version and crank the alignment of the vertical to see the very edge of the screen.

I mean, this guy needs help, but he says he's not alone. Apparently there are hundreds of guys out there sharing Meg Griffin porn. Why does he think I want to know this??????

So, what have you been told that you wish they'd just kept to themselves?

That people find you approachable online...

I met you in real life, and that fact that some poor souls think you are a soft and cuddly listening type person disturbs me.
That's the thing ... he's no friend. He's got like 4 posts on the site. And the site has absolutely nothing to do with girls, fat girls, cartoons, Family guy or anything else. It's a metal working site.
Maybe he's just spamming Meg Griffin porn and has no interest in it whatsoever?

Or he's been paid/dared to get you to say something incriminating?
oh, and 2 girls, one cup.

didn't need to know that.

Meh, I knew about stuff like that from long before the intraweb in *ahem* another life.

If you use a feather that's kinky, if you use two girls and a cup, that's merely more kinky.
what concerns me lately is the sunday school teachers wanting to talk to the kids about abortion.
I dunno what it is ... in person, I scare people to silence. I can sit in a crowded lunch room, and not one person will attempt to intrude on my privacy.

I'm the opposite. I'll be standing in line at the supermarket and the person behind me will find it necessary to tell me about their colonoscopy.
I don't go anywhere but to work in my scrubs. Maybe I should try that. A form of reverse psychology...
I don't go anywhere but to work in my scrubs. Maybe I should try that. A form of reverse psychology...
I'd bet that if you also carried/wore rubber gloves that people wouold stop asking you about their colons ;)

Dave: Sure..I'll look into it for you. Bend over please <snap>