Why the various U.S. corporate news sucks


New Member
Today on the national corporate news of CNN and tonight's ABC 20/20 it's been nothing but primarily barrages of Martha Stewart and how she got 5 years in that correctional facility. Why can't the newspeople spread out their news to cover more unique forms of news each day? I'd like for people to get a chance to hear who wins the Yu-Gi-Oh! tournaments and for people to submit poems and/or artwork to be read/shown on the news.

I think yesterday or the day before and several days before that were how somebody's house or apartment accidentally caught fire. I could care less for "personal emergency news" - it doesn't really concern me and there's not much I can do about it unless the survivors ask for money and/or supplies. Where I live the local news is aired twice or three times and I think CNN each day on one channel is aired either two, three or four times daily and there's the other CNN channel and it's I think aired once or maybe twice.
PowerballWinner said:
Today on the national corporate news of CNN and tonight's ABC 20/20 it's been nothing but primarily barrages of Martha Stewart and how she got 5 years in that correctional facility. Why can't the newspeople spread out their news to cover more unique forms of news each day? I'd like for people to get a chance to hear who wins the Yu-Gi-Oh! tournaments and for people to submit poems and/or artwork to be read/shown on the news.

I think yesterday or the day before and several days before that were how somebody's house or apartment accidentally caught fire. I could care less for "personal emergency news" - it doesn't really concern me and there's not much I can do about it unless the survivors ask for money and/or supplies. Where I live the local news is aired twice or three times and I think CNN each day on one channel is aired either two, three or four times daily and there's the other CNN channel and it's I think aired once or maybe twice.
I kinda tend to believe that the masses would rather know about what's happening within their neighbourhoods, who has lived and died and who needs help, and who has had tragedy befall them, and who has succeeded and who has beat 'the man', and all the other little tidbits about their neighbours and neighbourhoods rather than minutia like the results of the Yu-Gi-Oh whatever it is, or listening to someone else's drivel.

What you're suggesting is more of a local variety show, not a news program.
Why can't the newspeople spread out their news to cover more unique forms of news each day?

It is with reluctance that I add my opinion since it is only my opinion & I do not wish to force others to read what is so clearly a personal belief....sorry, I am once again forced to cede to my betters. No opinions today.
Gonz said:
It is with reluctance that I add my opinion since it is only my opinion & I do not wish to force others to read what is so clearly a personal belief....sorry, I am once again forced to cede to my betters. No opinions today.


You finished?
Speakin' a news, what ever happened at the Iraqi prison? What was it called? Who's fault was it? got any pics?

*ducks for cover*