Without Bush to kick around


Well-Known Member
Tort reform is a double edged sword.

While the ridiculous suits that float around (hot coffee at McDonalds) need to be stopped, there are a few that require large payouts to get the attention of the accused.

... <snippety snip>
I agree with all of this. It's hard to shut/open the gate for only one goat.
Democrats Want to Kill Your Grandma!

— By Kevin Drum | Mon August 3, 2009 9:46 PM PST
As you may be aware if you pay attention to other precincts of the blogosphere, Betsy McCaughey was on Fred Thompson’s radio show a couple of weeks ago warning listeners about a hidden outrage in the House healthcare bill:

McCaughey said "Congress would make it mandatory — absolutely require — that every five years people in Medicare have a required counseling session that will tell them how to end their life sooner." She said those sessions would help the elderly learn how to "decline nutrition, how to decline being hydrated, how to go in to hospice care ... all to do what's in society's best interest or in your family's best interest and cut your life short."


If Betsy McCaughey said it, it's good enough for Cerise, and if it's good enough for Cerise.....Wait, who is it good for?

Far right Republican health care plan:


Fox "News" reporter at health care reform debate (Fox News, Where The Truth Lies!):


Some average anti health care reform outstanding citizens:


Secret GOP, Insurance lobby strategy meeting:


One hot white trash mama:



Well-Known Member
5 Liberal Lies About 0bamacare

1. The public option won't kill private health insurance.

"When they're talking to the general public, they assure them that the public option won't kill private insurance and if people like the plans they have, they'll be able to keep them.

But when liberals talk to each other, they explicitly admit that the public option is designed to kill private insurance so the government can take complete control."

2. Illegal aliens won't be covered

"There is indeed a clause in the House bill that says illegal aliens aren't covered. The mainstream media looks at that clause and then dutifully reports, as if it were a fact, that illegal aliens won't be getting taxpayer funded health care.

However, here's the catch: there's no enforcement provision."

3. Abortion won't be covered by the bill.

"So, is there a provision in the bill that says that abortion will be funded? No, but all that means is that abortion will be funded by default."

4. The health care bill will lower costs.

"This is perhaps the single most jaw droppingly dishonest claim about the whole bill"

5. There will be no rationing of health care.

"If you're wondering if a "death panel" will convene and "pull the plug on Grandma," essentially, the answer is "yes.""


Well-Known Member
The people have spoken.

Feingold: No health care bill before Christmas

U.S. Sen. Russ Feingold told a large crowd gathered for a listening session in Iron County last week there would likely be no health care bill before the end of the year - and perhaps not at all.

It was an assessment Feingold said he didn't like, but the prospect of no health care legislation brought a burst of applause from a packed house of nearly 150 citizens at the Mercer Community Center.

"Nobody is going to bring a bill before Christmas, and maybe not even then, if this ever happens," Feingold said. "The divisions are so deep. I never seen anything like that."


New Member
On Meet the Press yesterday, Sen. Chuck Schumer contradicted his colleague Kent Conrad (D-ND), saying he believes there are 60 Democratic votes to pass a health care bill with a public option. And he confirmed that, with a bipartisan solution seeming unlikely, Democratic party leaders are indeed prepared to use the filibuster-proof budget reconciliation bill to pass at least some parts of health care reform.




Well-Known Member
The nuclear option? To hell with what the American people want? Then they wouldn't be able to blame Boooosh!!

The left would own it lock stock and barrel, and pay the price at the next election.



molṑn labé
Staff member
That article should be titled "5 Lies we'll tell you about Healthcare with nothing to back them up and still people like Cerise will fall for this".

Instead of attacking Cerise, disprove her post.


New Member
To hell with what the American people want?

Bush ignored what the American people wanted but in this case most of America wants healthcare reform so you're actually the one once again saying "to hell with what the people want".

Instead of attacking Cerise, disprove her post.

There's no proof in her post. She should have to attempt to prove something before I have to disprove it. I mean #5 has already been solidly disproven in this thread. #1 is a baseless lie. #2 is covered by the fact that the public option is not available to illegals. #3 is weak attempt at "It doesn't say that so we'll assume yes". #4 is wrong because a private option will increase competition and lower costs.

Or I could just post an article that debunks thse myths.

Health Care Myths Debunked
August 3rd, 2009, 11:11 AM EDT

Let’s put some of the myths about the health care plan into perspective. Media Matters checked the facts.

Myth: Health care reform will provide health insurance to illegal immigrants.

Fact: No federal benefits go to those who are not legally in the United States.

House Bill: “No Federal Payment for Undocumented Aliens.” According to America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009, Page 143, Line 3, Section 246: “No Federal Payment for Undocumented Aliens. Nothing in this subtitle shall allow Federal payments for affordability credits on behalf of individuals who are not lawfully present in the United States.” [America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009]

Myth: A government-run plan will encourage seniors to choose an early death.

Fact: Counseling will be offered to seniors on a voluntary basis.

“Sec. 1233 of the bill, labeled ‘Advance Care Planning Consultation’ details how the bill would, for the first time, require Medicare to cover the cost of end-of-life counseling sessions. According to the bill, ’such consultation shall include the following: An explanation by the practitioner of advance care planning, including key questions and considerations, important steps, and suggested people to talk to; an explanation by the practitioner of advance directives, including living wills and durable powers of attorney, and their uses; an explanation by the practitioner of the role and responsibilities of a health care proxy.’” [PolitiFact.com, 7/16/09]

MYTH: The government-run plan will allow taxpayer funds to pay for abortions.

Fact: Private insurance companies decide whether or not to cover abortions and consumers can choose a plan in line with their own beliefs.

Abortion Is Not Mandated In The Reform Legislation. According to Planned Parenthood: “Nothing in any of the current health care reform bills mandates abortion coverage – or any other type of medical procedure – in the Exchange. Abortion is not mandated any more than any other medical procedure in health care reform.” [PlannedParenthood.org, accessed 7/30/09]

MYTH: We don’t need an overhaul of health care.

Fact:…there are millions of people who can’t get health insurance. And those people cost you, and everyone else with insurance, more because they often can’t pay for the care they do receive. Your premiums go up each year in part to help cover the cost of those who can’t afford to go to the doctor and end up having to go to the emergency room instead.

MYTH: A public option will result in Americans being forced out of their current plans.

Fact: House Bill Allows For Continuation Of Current Coverage. According to PolitiFact.com: “The House bill allows for existing policies to be grandfathered in, so that people who currently have individual health insurance policies will not lose coverage.” [PolitiFact.com, 7/22/09]

MYTH: A government option will result in health care rationing for Americans.

Fact: Health care is already rationed by insurance companies.

Private insurance companies ration care to Americans every single day. They reject applications based on pre-existing conditions and family history. They rescind coverage after an illness has been diagnosed. Their premiums and deductibles are so high that millions of Americans are forced to delay care or declare bankruptcy due to high costs.

MYTH: Government-run health care will put a bureaucrat between you and your doctor.

Fact: There is already a bureaucrat between you and your doctor. It’s called the insurance company.

The private health insurance industry bureaucrats are standing between you and your doctor right now. They hire outside firms to determine how much you might cost them. Private insurance companies make decisions on who does and does not get health care based solely on how much they value your life.

MYTH: A government option will force private insurance companies out of business.

Fact: It will provide competition for insurance companies where there is currently a lack of competition.

The introduction of more competition in the health insurance market will not put private companies out of business – it will force them, in true free-market style, to meet the demands of consumers and to start providing quality coverage to all Americans.


Senate Democrats Have Proposed That Public Health Care Should “Comply With All The Rules And Standards That Apply To Private Insurance” To Ensure That Private Insurance Can Compete. According to the New York Times: “In an effort to defuse the most explosive issue in the debate over comprehensive health care legislation, a top Senate Democrat has proposed that any new government-run insurance program comply with all the rules and standards that apply to private insurance. The proposal was made Monday by Senator Charles E. Schumer of New York, the third-ranking member of the Senate Democratic leadership, in a bid to address fears that a public program would drive private insurers from the market.” [New York Times, 5/5/09]

MYTH: An employer mandate will hurt small businesses.

Fact: Recently, the two Senate Committees currently working on the health care bill removed the mandate for employers to provide health insurance coverage to their employees. And the House bill has specific provisions to exclude very small businesses from the mandate as well as providing a simple description for what would occur if the employer did not provide health coverage.

MYTH: Democrats in Congress keep trumpeting the benefits of a public option, but refuse to accept the plan for themselves and their families.

Fact: Senate HELP Committee Passed Amendment To “Require Members Of Congress To Enroll In The Government-Run Public Plan.” According to Congressional Quarterly, “the panel adopted by 12-11 an amendment by Tom Coburn, R-Okla., that would require members of Congress to enroll in the government-run public plan created by the legislation. ‘We should take the lead, sacrifice and demonstrate our faith on how good we think this will be, Coburn said.” [Congressional Quarterly, 7/14/09]
