Without Bush to kick around


molṑn labé
Staff member
...Nancy has to call somebody nazis.

I'd like to see a swastika at a town hall meeting. It would clash with the Brooks Bros

We the people called the anti-war crowd un-American due to their actions. GW said let 'em bitch.

The left called GW a nazi for 8 years.

Now the left is calling those who don't like the healthcare mess mobs & nazis & other assorted names. Even Obama is involved.

The left fears its constituents. There may be hope afterall.
Shame there's no video or pictures of all these people carrying 'swastikas and symbols like that' from this town hall meeting.
This is the clearest and best example of the arrogant pompous ass 0bama really is. He is threatening the American citizens First Amendment right to speak and to protest against their own government with a smirk on his face!


Obama: "I Don't Want The Folks Who Created The Mess To Do A Lot Of Talking. I want them to get out of the way so we can clean up the mess."

Like Richard Nixon, Barack Obama wants to govern on the strength of a silent majority, although with a twist. Obama wants the majority that opposes or questions his policies to stay silent.

Obama’s White House and its allies have unleashed a barrage of criticism and condescension at people daring to show up at town-hall meetings and ask their elected representatives pointed questions. “Fired up and ready to go!” apparently works only one way. If engaged citizens shower Obama with adoration at stage-managed rallies, they are the very stuff of American democracy. If they boo their congressman, they are a scandalous eruption of fake or hateful sentiment.
I'd like to see a swastika at a town hall meeting.

I'm sure you would.

It would clash with the Brooks Bros

It's been proven that the Brooks Bros protestors were paid GOP staffers. Not sure what your point is.

We the people called the anti-war crowd un-American due to their actions. GW said let 'em bitch.

A few idiots called the anti-war crowd un-American. It turns out those idiots were actually the un-American ones and the anti-war crowd was right.

Now the left is calling those who don't like the healthcare mess mobs & nazis & other assorted names.

It looks like their pointing out that they were carrying swastikas. They've also been pointing out the fake nature of the protestors trying to shut down discussion.

The healthcare lobbyists trying to stage bullshit to shutdown discussion are getting called out for what they are. There's hope yet.
This is the clearest and best example of the arrogant pompous ass 0bama really is. He is threatening the American citizens First Amendment right to speak and to protest against their own government with a smirk on his face!


Obama: "I Don't Want The Folks Who Created The Mess To Do A Lot Of Talking. I want them to get out of the way so we can clean up the mess."
Nope...he's saying to the people who created the mess to put up or shut up.

He's talking to the CEOs of banks... not mrs and mr american.
Why is the right always calling people nazis?

Do you have an example where they are actually calling "people" nazis 'cos it looks like the health care plan itself is being called nazi....... and last time I checked, it wasn't a people. :shrug: