World´s funniest joke?


Well-Known Member
Re: World´s funniest joke?

Jas101 said:
What do you call a man with fifty rabbits up his bum??


I kill me!!!

Now that one I've never heard before.


Well-Known Member
Re: World´s funniest joke?

So a leper walks into a bar and orders a beer.

He tells the bartender, "look, I realize my condition, and I've come to accept it. I don't take offense when it bothers people anymore. If I'm going to cause a problem, just let me know and I'll be more than happy to leave."

The bartender says, "no! You'll be fine! Just go ahead and enjoy your beer. No problems here."

So the bartender goes about his business, and a few minutes later he looks over to the leper and almost throws up. The leper tells him, "look, I can go, it's no problem." The bartender says, "no, you're fine! Go ahead and stay!"

So a few minutes later, the bartender looks over again, and again he almost loses his lunch. The leper says, "hey man, if you want me to go just let me know. I don't want to cause any problems." The bartender again says," no! No! You're fine!"

So a bit later, the bartender looks over towards the leper again, and again he almost barfs. So the leper gets up and says, "I can see I'm causing a problem here, so I'm just going to go ahead and go." The bartender says...

"No, you're fine! It's not you, it's the guy next to you. He's dipping his chips in your arm."