Would you use free dating phone line?


Hi. There is this free dating phone line that just started in Toronto. I am wondering if it would be a good idea to place my voice profile there :swing: . edited by leslie Let me know what do you think about all this.
Wow! For once I actually caught the spam before it got deleted! Amazing!

Oh yeah, almost forgot...

MORE SPAM! :spam:
You and me both!!!

Usually I end up staring at something like "Piss off spamfart" (last edited by LuisG on such and such a date at such and such a time...)

I can now die a happy woman.....right after I bonk Ryk Neethling's brains out that is :D

Yeah, you do.
By Prof's logic, Kenosha is in Chicago. It's actually closer to Milwaukee, but there's nothing really around Kenosha. It's pretty much a city only because it's on the Illinois-Wisconsin border, the last refuge for those driving south to get off the highway without paying a toll or finding the ramps or half the highway closed for construction. :D
That's a BIG country

to bad its all froze.

You guys should be all for global warming!