WTF is this white stuff?

Ms Ann Thrope said:
sounds good to me :grinyes:

how much time would I have before I had to flee your summer though? :hmm:
"Summer" lasts about 2 months...kinda. It depends on what part of the summer that you don't like. If it's the heat or humidity, I'd avoid July and August. Otherwise...Montreal summers aren't horribly hot, or especially humid (despite being an island).

The fuckin' May-flies and Damsel-flies though...kill 'em all!!!! They invade Montreal every year as if we were smack-dab in the middle of a friggin' swamp and not a seaway.
I hate any temp above 23C, dislike the humidity and the bugs, hate the fact that the air is no longer crisp, dislike the unrelenting brightness of the sun blinding me, don't like the fact that I'm no longer alone on the hiking trails (spotting 1 other person every hour or so is too many)... man.... I really can't stand summer.... :crying4:
Ms Ann Thrope said:
I hate any temp above 23C, dislike the humidity and the bugs, hate the fact that the air is no longer crisp, dislike the unrelenting brightness of the sun blinding me, don't like the fact that I'm no longer alone on the hiking trails (spotting 1 other person every hour or so is too many)... man.... I really can't stand summer.... :crying4:

I prefer winter as well. Mostly because the hotter it gets, the more uncomforteable it is for me to breathe. It's the high humidity levels in Montreal that get me. I've been to Jamaica during the summer, whene it's at least 10-15 degrees hotter outside on cool days than it is in Montreal on hot days, and the lack of humidity makes it easy for me to breathe.

Arizona must be a breeze then, I'd guess. I still prefer winther though...despite the shoveling :p
tonks said:
i woke up this morning and there is this cold, wet, icy, white stuff all over the ground....anyone fathom any guesses?

Send some over here! Some bugger pinched all ours (or it melted, one of the two) :D
tonks said:
i woke up this morning and there is this cold, wet, icy, white stuff all over the ground....anyone fathom any guesses?


well, it's almost all gone...i think there was only about an inch. i'm freezing my tush off but i suppose i'll rally :)
It musta legged it a good covering come down in the last coupla hours :D

Yer need some thermal knickers doll?
i don't really have any thermal underwear, oz.....but i think i'll manage to stay warm enough....somehow.....
thanks AB....'preciate your concern ;)
Well if anyone is short of snow your more than welcome to take some from Aberdeen. Just leave the stuff in the mountains for me ;)
there are some really nice pics in here. snowed last nite here. not too deep but it was kind of nice to see it

It is gonna be like 9 and 10 degrees over the next few days here!!!

Ms Ann Thrope said:
Y'know, I find socks stay dry longer if you put waterproof boots on over 'em. :retard:

Usually aye :lloyd:

The snow seems to have founds it's way into every nook and cranny today tho'.............