

New Member
You guys have really toned down here...

I remember the days of spamming to up your post count.... Ah, the bonny by gone days.....


New Member
I hope whatever substance they found in their post count wasn't illegal :p


sorry, that was lame


New Member
Kiddy Korner?!? That's what this WHOLE site was about. When the "Korner" started, I thought it would go away after a little while.... being redundant and all.

outside looking in

<b>Registered Member</b>
That's not what this whole site is about anymore. We've matured to the point of actually having real discussions from time to time. :p


New Member
Hi Leslie... (I still think it so COOL when someone remembers me.)

I'm still around... It's been a while since I showed my face, But I still read the boards regularly.... Been fighting an ugly Virus... on my computer. Think I won, we'll see.

Anyhow, I was hoping to rouse some feathers with my post.

