Ye olde buttload o' books


Well-Known Member
So... here I am at Uki's house...still mildly flabbergasted by the buttload of books which she was asked me to take from her house. :eek5:
3 feet to my left, as I type this, is a nice couch...or at elasty, I think that it's nice because I cannot see any of it. It is literally covered with books (two deep)...and they're all mine. :grinyes:

Uki is going to take a piccy and I can post it. :)

I'd like to express my thanks to Paulee for leaving all these literely treasures behind :) ...and for Uki for not being a fan of all these literary treasures. :leghump:

Looks like the library won't be seeing me for a while.
I'd like to express my thanks to MrBish for taking all these books off my hands! Now I can start working the work bench and cleaning up the room they were all in!
I'd like to that Uki for the fine hernia that will surely result from dragging these books from the house to the car. :p

You've seen the here's the 'after'

Oh...and Dave, it'll take me quite a few years to read them all...and a few months to recover from the hernia...which'll be good because when MrsBish sees these books...I won't be getting anything BUT reading time for a while :p
You'll have to categorise them all so we know what's in the picture. I'm deeply envious, I'll tell you that much. Any one else want to dump their books on someone - just send 'em to me. ;)
Inkara1 said:
Never did get the futon sold, huh?

Unfortunately not! It's approaching moving season as well as yard sale season. I'm going to try my luck again. If I can't get it sold, then I'll just give it to the poor!
There's a little bit of everything...mostly SciFi and Fantasy...even a few books that I insisted that Uki keep and read. (including two books from Michael Slade - Canadian author(s), police thriller books...excellent writer.

There's some Koontz, Stephen King (Dark Tower series), Star Trek and Star Wars books, Forgotten Realms books, some Asimov, some Alan Dean Foster etc etc...

I have to go through the boxes again to start pulling out to-be-read immediatly books and add them to my pile. I've got only 3 books on the top shelf of my bookcase that are waiting to be read ATM.
Uki Chick said:
Is Mrs Bish ready to kill me now???
You? Nope... but I should've called when I realized that it might take a while to pack/load books. She was worried about me...accidents and whatnot.
MrBishop said:
You? Nope... but I should've called when I realized that it might take a while to pack/load books. She was worried about me...accidents and whatnot.

Did you not leave the number to my place with her in case she needed to contact you?
Uki Chick said:
Did you not leave the number to my place with her in case she needed to contact you?
It was in my case I got lost. I was sure that she was just going to fall asleep as early as she could, considering how sick she was/is. Guess she must love me, eh, to be worried that I might've been mangled in a car accident?

Next time.