Yeah...I said it..but


Looks like you can finally give up on this one, Gonz...:eh:

Powell: Some Prewar Iraq Intel Erroneous
AP 2 hours ago

WASHINGTON - Secretary of State Colin Powell acknowledged Sunday that the CIA was wrong about the presence of mobile biological weapons labs in Iraq before the war last spring. In a February 2003 speech to the United Nations, Powell presented the claim as part of the evidence that Saddam Hussein was pursuing weapons of mass destruction.

On "Meet the Press" Sunday, Powell said his presentation "was based on the best information that the Central Intelligence Agency made available to me. ... In the case of the mobile trucks and trains, there was multiple sourcing for that. Unfortunately, that multiple sourcing over time has turned out to be not accurate."

Powell continued: "At the time that I made the presentation, it reflected the collective judgment, the sound judgment of the intelligence community. But it turned out that the sourcing was inaccurate and wrong and, in some cases, deliberately misleading."

In April, Powell used vaguer language in discussing the intelligence that led him to believe the Iraqis had mobile biological weapons labs. "It appears not to be the case that it was that solid," he said.