Yep. It's a pattern alright.


Well-Known Member
well then that's a good thing
the Russians have been our friends since the cold war ended
and we owe the Chinese too much money
not to mention they like making Ipods and selling stuff to Wal-Mart
mabye 300 is 300 more than we'ed ever need


molṑn labé
Staff member
nuclear. the gov made nuclear energy possible

I'm sorry, you misunderstood. I did not say REGULATED. I said perfected, sicne we all know government is incapable of making anything, besides a mess.


nothing like that should be perfected by the government. private industry should perfect everything material.

the flaw is in your question and the constricted worldview it stems from.


Well-Known Member
In your limited worldview the elites and government
make everything possible..
19% (U-6) unemployment
four dollar a gallon gasoline
a 15 trillion dollar deficit
a destroyed housing market
Obamacare, which will ruin this country
in ways few of us can even begin to imagine


As was noted in the thread header.

which winky had obviously slept through. you might have noticed my comment was to him.



Green is a loser.

Wal-Mart is doing just ducky. See for yourself.

Spread it out over the year and you will see that the stock has been going up, up, up since mid September of last year.

you need a kleenex? okay perhaps you are right about ball-mart, i've been a little tuned out on some things since the end of the summer...

greens are typically losers but fighting moronic resource wars is getting old due to obvious economic inefficiencies. you may not quite be seeing the forest through the dipshits.


Well-Known Member
That's quite true I sure as hell didn't have a hand in spending
5 trillion dollars, nor did I invest in Brazilian oil
and I wasn't for Obamamcare.

But if me and the truck driver were running this thing:
the Unions wouldn't have been handed GM
the banks wouldn't have been bailed out
drilling wouldn't have been shut down in the Gulf
Keystone wouldn't have been denied
just think of all the things we could have encouraged
to actually not have this recession be a depression.

Heck it wouldn't have cost 5 trillion to have declared a tax holiday!

Think of the unnecessary and unconstitutional government departments
we could have destroyed by now?


molṑn labé
Staff member
greens are typically losers

Then why has this administration handed billion supon billions to them? Why does he continue to spew "we need green" slogans, and cash, when that is clearly not the answer, nor the problem?


Well-Known Member
greens are typically losers

and the losers are winning?

no wait that doesn't make any sense at all
just like green energy

I say the government should encourage the energy industry

we should have eighty nine cent a gallon gasoline and
be paying 2 cents a kilowatt-hour

If you don't see how that's possible I've got some carbon credits to sell ya


the problem is that we are continually engaged in fruitless and costly foreign policy stunts to prop up the archaic oil infrastructure. whatever stupid "green" shit you see is a tiny drop in the bucket by comparison in real dollars.

i'll buy your carbon credits winky. now what is the grand plan for sub-$1 gas? please provide details.

[waiting for the kneejerk spew.]


right. you're the kid that strikes out consistently. in the tee-ball league.

you and gotholic should hang out. i bet you both like the same thing.