Yet again, Canadian killed by American "friendly fire"


New Member

"The sun was up and skies were clear with the normal dusty haze of the Afghan desert at 5:30 a.m., when two A-10 Thunderbolts opened fire.

"I’m not sure who brought them in and for what reason," said Maj. Geoff Abthorpe, one of two company commanders running the ground operation in Panjwaii, west of Kandahar. "It wasn’t us, of course. We were getting prepped to go out but our first air mission wasn’t scheduled until 30 minutes later."

The soldiers had camped for the night in an open area on a hill and were getting ready to support Abthorpe’s company as it moved north of the river.

"They were . . . marshalling and getting into position to support my mission," Abthorpe said, calling the incident "a freak accident."

Abthorpe guessed the soldiers were shaking sleep from their eyes and dust from their gear when they were suddenly peppered by shrapnel from the cannon fire of the two Thunderbolts, nicknamed Warthogs."

Not again..
Tha Brits and canadians are taking losses one way or another out there.
14 down on the Nimrod.

...some wierd shit ... apparently we are now allowed to fire first ..i.e. not only in defence ... :hmm:

wTF? Sheesh, it's a fuckin warzone not a party in the park ..about fucking time!

shit happens?
Oh great, cheers!
Tha Brits and canadians are taking losses one way or another out there.
14 down on the Nimrod.

...some wierd shit ... apparently we are now allowed to fire first ..i.e. not only in defence ... :hmm:

wTF? Sheesh, it's a fuckin warzone not a party in the park ..about fucking time!

shit happens?
Oh great, cheers!

Like the Brits have never done it, either...I can understand being upset, but, like you said, it is a war zone...

You may now cue the rant of 'trigger-happy Yanks'...
My bro-in-law works with the wife of one of the guys who died. I'd been visiting the base and when we left, we spotted a CBC truck parked outside the gates. Knew there was something wrong and that it was someone from 'Pet' long before the news talked about it.

A real shame.

Now...who called in the air-strike again?
NATO controlled American aircraft using imperfect targeting with HE too clsoe & somebody is gonna get hurt.

Very sad situation, not uncommon in war.
NATO controlled American aircraft using imperfect targeting with HE too clsoe & somebody is gonna get hurt.

Very sad situation, not uncommon in war.

If they'd been near action or close to the front lines (which move BTW), I'd understand. but...
"They were . . . marshalling and getting into position to support my mission," Abthorpe said, calling the incident "a freak accident."
Doesn't sound like they were on the front lines or remotely close to the action.

Frankly, much like the first 'friendly-fire' incident, it sounds more like bad intelligence or misinterpretation of intelligence as to where the enemy is/was and which troops/transports are friendly. "Targets of opportunity gone awry'
KANDAHAR, Afghanistan - Canadian troops, bloodied but unbowed after suffering dozens of casualties in the opening days of Operation Medusa, pressed ahead yesterday with the offensive to drive insurgents from a stronghold west of Kandahar as the bodies of five of their fallen comrades began the long journey home.

Between 50 and 60 Taliban were killed as Canadian troops engaged entrenched insurgents and continued hammering their positions with heavy artillery, calling in bomb and precision missile strikes from coalition aircraft, said NATO officials, citing reports from the front lines and surveillance systems.

Canadian paper
(CP) - Since 2002, one Canadian diplomat and 32 Canadian soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan. Here is a list of the deaths:


Sept. 4 - Pte. Mark Graham who was based at CFB Petawawa killed when two NATO planes accidentally strafed Canadian troops in the Panjwaii district. About 30 others wounded, five seriously.

Sept. 3 - Sgt. Shane Stachnik, Warrant Officer Frank Robert Mellish, Warrant Officer Richard Francis Nolan and Pte. William Jonathan James Cushley, all based at CFB Petawawa, Ont., killed in fighting in Panjwaii district.

Aug. 22 - Cpl. David Braun, who was based at Shilo, Man., killed in a suicide bomb attack in Kandahar City.

Aug. 11 - Cpl. Andrew Eykelenboom, 23, of Comox, B.C., stationed with 1st Field Ambulance, based in Edmonton, killed in suicide attack.

Aug. 9 - Master Cpl. Jeffrey Walsh, 33, of Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, based in Shilo, Man., killed by apparent accidental discharge of rifle.

Aug. 5 - Master Cpl. Raymond Arndt, 31, of Loyal Edmonton Regiment, killed when large truck collided head-on with his G-Wagon patrol vehicle.

Aug. 3 - Cpl. Christopher Reid, 34, of 1st Battalion of Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, based in Edmonton, killed by roadside bomb. Three other members of same battalion killed in rocket-propelled grenade attack by Taliban forces west of Kandahar: Sgt. Vaughan Ingram, 35, Cpl. Bryce Keller, 27, and Pte. Kevin Dallaire, 22.

July 22 - Cpl. Francisco Gomez, 44, of Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, based in Edmonton, and Cpl. Jason Warren, 29, of Black Watch, Royal Highland Regiment of Canada, based in Montreal, killed when car packed with explosives rammed their armoured vehicle.

July 9 - Cpl. Anthony Boneca, 21, reservist from Lake Superior Scottish Regiment based in Thunder Bay, Ont., killed in firefight.

May 17 - Capt. Nichola Goddard, artillery officer based in Shilo, Man., with 1st Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, killed in Taliban ambush during battle in Panjwaii region. She was first Canadian woman to be killed in action while serving in combat role.

April 22 - Cpl. Matthew Dinning of Richmond Hill, Ont., stationed with 2nd Canadian Mechanized Brigade in Petawawa, Ont., Bombardier Myles Mansell of Victoria, Lieut. William Turner of Toronto, stationed in Edmonton, and Cpl. Randy Payne, born in Lahr, Germany, stationed at CFB Wainright, Alta., all killed when their G-Wagon destroyed by roadside bomb near Gumbad.

March 29 - Pte. Robert Costall of Edmonton, machine-gunner, killed in firefight with Taliban insurgents in Sangin district of Helmand province.

March 2 - Cpl. Paul Davis of Bridgewater, N.S., and Master Cpl. Timothy Wilson of Grande Prairie, Alta., killed when their armoured vehicle ran off road in Kandahar area.

Jan. 15 - Glyn Berry, British-born Canadian diplomat who had served with Foreign Affairs Department since 1977, killed in suicide bombing near Kandahar.


Nov. 24 - Pte. Braun Woodfield, born in Victoria and raised in Eastern Passage, N.S., killed when his armoured vehicle rolled over near Kandahar.


Jan. 27 - Cpl. Jamie Murphy, 26, of Conception Harbour, Nfld., killed in suicide bombing while on patrol near Kabul.


Oct. 2 - Sgt. Robert Short, 42, of Fredericton, and Cpl. Robbie Beerenfenger, 29, of Ottawa, killed in roadside bombing southwest of Kabul.


April 17 - Sgt. Marc Leger, 29, of Lancaster, Ont., Cpl. Ainsworth Dyer, 24, of Montreal, Pte. Richard Green, 21, of Mill Cove, N.S., and Pte. Nathan Smith, 27, of Tatamagouche, N.S., all killed when U.S. F-16 fighter mistakenly bombed Canadians on pre-dawn training exercise. Eight other Canadians wounded in friendly-fire incident.

:canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada:
As the Onion says: "This sends a powerful message to bin Laden. It says, 'We're willing to destroy any ally in order to hunt you down in what would be a largely symbolic victory.'"
Heard a stat today that Americans have killed 16% of the Canadians who have died in Afghanistan.

And 100% of the terrorists that are trying to kill your ass...

nope... we've got a few notches on our belt ... as indeed you guys a few limeys on yours :D

best, BB

( and Aussie special forces have a fair dingum few 'emselves)